Saturday, September 26, 2009

That Is Not A Supernatural Cow!

* It could be. You don't know. Title is from Invader Zim.

[Made by Erin]
You have no idea how many times I looked at this picture before yelling, 'Holy shit! Kermit and Miss Piggy!'

Yes, I'm going to the doctor today. I coughed up my spleen this morning.

* There is going to be a sequel to Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog. What's that I hear? Angels weeping with joy? Neil Patrick Harris for president of my SOUL.

* They are making Big Momma's House 3. It's OK, guys. Really. Because Joss Whedon is making a sequel to Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog. EVERYTHING is OK now.

Jackie Earle Haley
* Have you listened to the most recent podcast? I don't believe you. World Peace Through Jackie Earle Haley watched an episode of Renegade. WIth Lorenzo Lamas. Do you KNOW what that's like? We did it for you. And Jackie. OK, mostly Jackie. And his bad circulation. If you don't understand, you didn't listen. SEE? I can tell.

* Here is an interview with Mr. Haley about A Nightmare on Elm Street. WHY has nobody put up the trailer yet on YouTube? That is the POINT of YouTube. It's attached to the Zombieland movie. Further proof that zombies are AWESOME.

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* I have no idea what's going on in this GIF:

And that's just fine.

Daily Hot Guy

[Glenn Quinn, AKA Doyle from Angel and Mark Healy in Roseanne. I know it's kind of creepy to feature a dead man as a DHG, but I really loved this actor and was absolutely devastated when he died on the show, and then he died in real life and I was not OK. I was in high school, don't judge me. Anyway, he was Irish and adorable and a really good actor.]

* It's official! The first show cancelled this year is NOT one of my favorite shows! It's not even a show I watch! Huzzah! Oh, it's The Beautiful Life. Yeah, I don't care at all. I'm not going to pretend.

* Did you catch my Tweeting of Dollhouse last night? A friend asked me what the episode was about. This was my description: 'A lot of people hit Echo and stuff happened, and OMFG TOPHER AND WHISKEY IN THE BUNK IT WAS HOT AND SAD AND HIS SHEETS!'
Yeah, that scene made up for every sin in the history of Dollhouse. All is forgiven, you hear?

* James Marsters is going to be on Lie To Me. With Tim Roth. WHY IS TV BEING SO NICE THIS SEASON? Is this your way of making up for canceling Pushing Daisies? Is this how you make amends for the unending TRAUMA that was Torchwood: Children of the Earth? Because it's working quite well. I hope they snark at each other. A lot. With accents:

[Found at Daemon's TV]
I don't think I've ever seen Mr. Marsters in a suit before. It's kind of wonderful.

Geek Want

[Found at Amazon]
Here's the plan. I will get this Spider Jerusalem action figure. Then I will acquire a Rorschach action figure. Then... I don't know. I will mail them to Warren Ellis, along with a note demanding that Mr. Haley play Mr. Jerusalem. That's the plan. But I'll need another Spider action figure. Because I want my own. I wish you could press a button that made it yell obscenities. Why aren't I allowed to make these sorts of decisions?

* Whenever I was sick as a kid (like I am today) my mother would make me a big bowl of homemade popcorn, and we would watch Ferris Bueller's Day Off. It was our tradition. It's our 'sick movie.' So I love this website for what it represents of my childhood, as much as for the website itself. Seriously, I cannot stop pressing the button. I keep pressing it. I challenge you to only press it once.

* Let's be clear: This movie is getting a Win only because it has Gary Oldman. Many movies have gotten a Win solely for that reason. He is MADE of Win. Some believe he invented Win (Actually, that would be Eric Stoltz, but the mistake is understandable). And I do like Denzel Washington, usually. He is fine. He can exist. But he is no Gary Oldman. Then again, few people are. So if I see The Book of Eli, and I probably will, it will be only because of Gary Oldman. And NO OTHER REASON.

* Scariest. GIF. EVER:

[Found at Best Week Ever]
That is all. Except now I want cupcakes.

* This may be the cutest thing I've seen all day:

[Found at LA Times]
It's a wee doggy nursing red panda babies! DAW! Inter-species adoption!

Girly Shit
* These are the ugliest shoes I have ever seen in my entire life of shopping:

[Found at Shoe Lust]
They depress me. I would give them to someone I desperately hate. I can't think of anyone I hate that much. These shoes DEFY HATRED. LOOK AT THEM.

* This is the worst thing I have ever seen in my entire life:

[Found at Tofslie]
Popeye, WHY?!

Life Lessons

[Found at Indexed]
I'd rather have a centaur than a hybrid.

* This is so cool. It's a complete visualization of Beethoven's Fifth Symphony:

Pretty colors.....

* Behold! The world's tiniest printer:

I want it. It is tiny and small and I like tiny and small printers. Mine is older than me. No, I'm serious. It has been around longer than I have. It's been updated so I can use it with my laptop, but really. It's huge. If I drop it on you, you're going to die horribly. So it's a weapon, of sorts, but I'd rather have a cute little printer I can carry, and a taser.

OK, I am sick and feel gross. So I am going to lie down and watch TV and read comics, and generally be unpleasant to all those around me. I have EARNED it with my disease. Sinus infections SUCK. Pity me.
- LV


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