Monday, September 7, 2009

I Was Vague. I Said I Was A Freelance Superhero Robin Hood Kinda Guy.

* That's not vague, that's true. Title is from Bruce Campbell, on Burn Notice.

* I really wish I wasn't able to read my keyword searches. Because most of them make sense, but a few.... look:
- "womb penetration" fanfic
- "god jon" "i don't know" stimulates
- Lise Myhre nude
- newts
- alien technology we already use
- bruce campbell word for breasts
Yeah. I need more coffee, but these things are not in this blog. Is it weird that 'newts' is one of the scariest keyword searches I found?

* This may be the best vampire video ever created, and it stars Eric and Pam from True Blood, which should have been on last night:
Try JibJab Sendables® eCards today!

I suddenly, earnestly want a vampire version of Grease. Can you imagine? Eric Northman dancing, then drinking the blood of annoying girls with big hair? This is the best idea I've ever had. I will take a fee for this idea, and the use of Eric Northman.

* I have never eaten Spam, and as such I am more than a little fascinated by it. Especially in sushi form:

[Found at UKMillion]
Spam Musabi? YES. When I was in Hawaii I spent most of the vacation trying to get people to eat this (or recovering from a truly insane scuba diving incident, which I'm not quite ready to discuss) And people win a year's worth of Spam. Has anyone out there eaten Spam? Was it truly magical? Tell me about it.

* DUDE, for reals, I would read the Transformers Vs. Doctor Who book. I would read that until it was MEMORIZED. It needs to exist, and I think that David Sedaris should write it.


Without, you know, the hot man loving, or the cursing or the sexings. Which makes me sad, as that is the best part of Torchwood. I do understand them in including Ianto. That would have just been inappropriate, what with the tiny children.

Inglourious Basterds
* Haha, Inglourious Basterds is making ALL the monies, and I made a sexy shirt of it, so Quentin Tarantino wins forever. None of that had anything to do with anything, but I am running on three hours of sleep and paternal lectures, so give me a break. And I do still want to see The Final Destination. What? Elaborate death scenes for the win.

* They're making a motion picture comic of Joss Whedon's Astonishing X-Men:

I really love Joss Whedon's treatment of X-Men, but I am a helpless fangirl for Whedon, so don't start screaming if you didn't like them.
Anyway, the motion picture comic is far, far better than the Watchmen one, which ruined my day by having a man do ALL the voices, including Laurie's, and it WAS that weird. Did not like. This one has gender-appropriate voices, and that pleases and relieves me, because there are few things more alarming than hearing a male voice issue from Silk Spectre II's voice. It's like terrible fanfiction made real.

Daily Hot Guy

[Zachary Quinto, who here is adorable, and who deserves an Oscar for yelling at his penis. What? WHAT? I'm looking forward to Heroes being good this season. Season 3 was much better than season 2. Domestic!Sylar is hot.]

People I Love
* This is a post of multi-love. Because James Gunn posted it on Twitter, and he is a genius. Did you see Slither? I hope so, because it was fucking incredible, and will make your life much better once you view it. And it has Nathan Fillion, and ALIENS. BE GRATEFUL. Go rent Slither. James Gunn posted this on Twitter and his website, about a man who can only say 'Tono.'

I must have watched this video ten times, trying to wrap my brain around it. It's... the dude only says 'tono.' And he doesn't seem to realize this. THEN HE COUNTS. It's incredible. I love him. And James Gunn. He also wrote Dawn of the Dead, and Tromeo and Juliet. He's amazing. GROUP HUG.

Stuff To Live
* I would like this shirt:

[Found at Geekologie]
Why the hell haven't they made a big Dinobots movie? It would be dark and badly received, and I would secretly love it while publicly decrying it. Plus I use to have a Transformers coloring book, and I colored all the Dinobots. Don't judge me, you know if they still sold those you would buy them. More robot shirts here, but I'm still envisioning a Dinobots movie, starring David Tennant and Hugh Laurie. It makes sense to ME.

* Don't yell at me. I want this to be good. I do. I love the cast, and everyone involved. But, like vampire movies, I am inherently suspicious of all werewolf movies. Why? The wolves don't come out looking very good. Sometimes they look slimy, and almost always they look fake. So I am very worried about The Wolfman. But Benicio del Toro is sort of a wolf-man already, so this is very likely to move out of Movie!Fail and into Movie!Win if I hear ONE good thing about it:

Also, HOW EXCITED AM I that Hugo Weaving is A) in this, and B) Inspecter Aberline (spelling notwithstanding)? I love Hugo Weaving. HARD. I am one of the few people who saw the Matrix and rooted actively for Agent Smith.

* BRB, vomiting from the eyeballs:

[Found at BestWeekEver]
And, we have pornography. Do not want. Everyone fails. Jon and Kate fail for existing, and becoming tabloid fodder, and making me waste valuable brain cells knowing this shit. Everyone else fails for being interested in this. Ew. EW. I don't approve, at all.
That being said, serious kudos must be given to whoever designed that hairstyle. It is eerily accurate.

Iron Man
* Iron Man slang!
“Getting Iron-Manned” = Having all of your friends somehow see a movie the instant it comes out, so you never end up seeing it until months later, despite your best efforts.

This doesn't happen to me, because I go see shit opening day, even if I have to go by myself, and then see it again with my friends, which is how I actually ended up seeing Iron Man four times in theaters, completely by accident. Good thing I liked that movie, and that Robert Downey, Jr.'s arms could hold my interest.

* This is a lie. It is season four, not season five of Heroes, and I am very angry with Collider for making me think I lost an entire year of Heroes somewhere along the line. That is abusive. I could sue. But besides the MASSIVE flaw, Heroes: Redemption looks pretty incredible. Am I alone in thinking Season 3 was a massive improvement over Season 2, even if Season 2 had Sweaty!Sylar? Not as good as season 1, of course, but a solid entry, and one that looks to be good.
Then again, I will probably spend the whole season screaming, 'Shut the fuck up, Petrelli!' and 'Where's Sylar?' and 'Bring back Claude Raines!' and then fuming about it to the internet, as I do every season. I'm sorry. Peter annoys me. His angst is stupid.

Jackie Earle Haley
* Continues to be awesome. He also liked Transmetropolitan, which makes me indescribably happy, because it is proof that one day in the future everything I love with combine. I keep trying to think of a role Gareth David-Lloyd could play in Transmet, but everyone but Spider is awful (except for Channon and Yelena), and I already have mentally cast Ricky Gervais as Mitchell Royce.

* This is a panel on Human Target. It features Mr. Haley, Chi McBride, and Mark Valley, and makes me very angry that the series isn't on TV NOW, being brilliant:

I already have mad love for Guerrero. And I have no problem admitting that.

* Megan, your Photobucket is a dizzying land of joy with such images:

Her blog is sweet, too. Go read it.
Also, this is my present to the internetz for Labor Day. Enjoy.

* I really like Mike White. He wrote School of Rock, The Good Girl, Chuck and Buck, and several episodes of Freaks and Geeks. Plus he was in Pushing Daisies and Orange County. Ergo he is awesome. I also really like Laura Dern, mostly because Citizen Ruth is one of the most underrated comedies about aborting (really) ever.
So them doing a pilot for HBO? Don't care WHAT it's about. I will tune in. I think HBO is really trying to reclaim their prowess as the Network of Awesome. Right now they have True Blood and Hung (which is rapidly improving), and I am hoping Bored To Death will be genius, because look who's IN it, but this being a success would not hurt them at all. Just saying.

OK, I am off to the comic shop, and then to Best Buy, because my external hard-drive started MAKING NOISES last night, and also I think I smelled BURNING, and as it holds all my music and writing from the past three years, it needs to be OK. Then I will return, probably to do more work, and finally make progress on the damn comics I've been writing, and hopefully read as well. I haz buzy. But it's good.

I think today I shall wear my Inglourious Basterds shirt.
- LV


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