Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Who Eats Pudding At 10 In The Morning?

* I can't ingest anything but massive quantities of coffee at that hour. Title is from Lie To Me.

* If you see this swimming towards you...

[Found at Unique Daily]
Congratulations! The health care debate will not apply to you for much longer. Scariest kitty ever.

Girly Shit
* I have to say, when you've got Lady Gaga wearing the slaughtered remains of Muppets, a shoe on the head isn't particularly edgy:

[Found at Gawker]
Anyway, it's an ugly shoe. Maybe next Lady Gaga will move on to wearing the shoes of murdered Muppets. That would be twisted.

* This scares me:

[Found at Geekologie]
This is the fashion equivalent of tear the heads off your stuffed animals. People who do stuff like this should be kept from sharp objects. HOW MANY BEARS DIED FOR FASHION, YOU HEARTLESS WENCH?!

I would throw red paint on this. I do find it funny how the model is trying to look sexy covered with stuffed, dismembered children's toys.

If you own this, I will judge you.

Life Lessons
* I love this article, about how we are not experiencing a rudeness epidemic. To paraphrase The Simpsons: Maybe it's not an epidemic. Maybe it's just a bunch of stuff that happened.' I don't think there is ANY connection between Joe Wilson and Kanye West. Except the one you MAKE:
He ignores the fact that while Serena Williams may have threatened to assault someone, Chris Brown actually did. And the fact that Joe Wilson's outburst may have been based on racism, which is a problem America needs to confront, while Kanye West's was based on West being a dick, which isn't. And by suggesting that Wilson, Williams, West, Brown, and Sanford are all part of a problem that should be solved "around your dinner table," he stifles collective dialogue on race or domestic violence and reduces these systemic problems to personal failings.

I think America needs to confront people being dicks. The Senate hearings would be brilliant.

* You know, I think I'm becoming immune to Lady Gaga's shocking pantless-ness when my first thought at seeing this picture isn't 'ASS AHOY':

[Found at World Of Wonder]
Instead, I sort of just want to own her shoes. Those are FIERCE boots.

Daily Hot Guy

[Anthony Rapp, who played Mark Cohen in Rent. Yeah, I was never a Rent-head, but I was crazy about Mark. I spent most of my teen years plotting to move to New York City and live in a loft and be a starving artist. Then I moved to New York, realized most of those talentless artists have trust funds or no talent, nobody can afford to live in lofts, Alphabet City has a Chipotle, and nobody bursts into random song unless they're on very strong drugs. It was a massive disappointment in my life.]

* In theory, ATMs that spray tamperers and thieves with pepper spray are a great idea. The problem, as Mr. Cory Doctorow so succinctly puts it, is:
they've also been known to incapacitate the poor bastards who install them by randomly firing capsaicin at them.

I can't help wondering if some poor person trying to use the ATM legally will get sprayed. That's just depressing. My bank account is disheartening enough without getting shot in the eyes with burning PAIN chemicals.

* I have watched this video of Zachary Quinto being asked the difference between Sylar and Spock (which is in and of itself STUPID, but I digress) more than once, and I laugh every damn time. He is so completely eager to be elsewhere. Like, desperately so.

And he discusses Jung. While conveying utter contempt. WONDERFUL. I WANT THOSE GLASSES. WHAT? I would look damn adorable in them.

* Oh, Glee, I could not love you more. Then Kristin Chenoweth showed up in the commercials (she played Olive Snook in Pushing Daisies, and I named my rat after the character. It's a compliment, I SWEAR) and my love MULTIPLIED. So here's the linebackers dancing from last week:

Tattoo Of Win
* Could someone explain this tattoo to me? Please?

[Found at LOLTATZ]
Because until someone does, I don't think I can ever sleep again.

Words Of Win

[Found at Friggin Random]
Dammit, now I really need cookies in my life.


* Things I NEVER needed to know: That Tom Cruise considers sex WITH HIMSELF to be 'like flying.' There are too many jokes already floating around out there for me to feel motivated to add another. Let me just say that flying scares me to death. So maybe the metaphor works.

People I Love
* Rickery Gervais' podcast makes me happy. I am still sick, freezing cold, broke, and desperately want Indian food RIGHT NOW, served by Gareth David-Lloyd while Zachary Quinto as Sylar explodes the heads of people who annoy me. But the podcast soothes me so. Also, in my imaginary version of Transmetropolitan, Ricky Gervais plays Royce, the editor. Tell me I am not a casting genius? Don't, actually. That would sadden me.

More later, possibly. I need to go find Sylar glasses. OK, they're Gabriel Gray glasses. GGG?

Look, I'm on a lot of antibiotics. That's my only excuse.
- LV


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