Saturday, September 5, 2009

At My Most Badass, I Make People Feel Like They Want To Take A Shower.

* Yeah, and next time you get the mail, maybe wear some gloves? Title is from Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog.

* I think I have an addiction.


* Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog shirt. Front: Fangirls

Back: 'We Do The Weird Stuff'

I'd love to finish my Transmetropolitan shirt, but that would require finding an image I can stencil, DAMMIT. Anyway. I have a shirt-making problem, and I don't want to talk about it. Also, I'm thinking of selling these. Just putting that out there. My friends wouldn't have to pay, because I'm nice. Only I decide if you're my friend or not. I am drunk on POWER.

Jackie Earle Haley
* I get insane about some movies being remade, and I believe there are some films that simply SHOULDN'T be remade, because there is no need (ohhai Rosemary's Baby), but this person's panic of A Nightmare On Elm Street seems... unwarranted, maybe? Because the original is not very good. Don't get me wrong, it's a classic eighties horror movie, but come ON. Johnny Depp gets eaten by a bed. It's LAME, and funny, and has some creepy bits. And all the sequels are vile. So I don't understand why this critic is so alarmed by the remake. It's not like they're casting Tom Cruise. THAT would upset even me.
Plus, as we discussed on the podcast (World Peace Through Jackie Earle Haley) this critic seems to think Mr. Haley has complete and utter control over the movie. This would be awesome, but seems extremely unlikely. Because, you know, the movie has a writer and director and producer and... lots of people. Just saying.

* I know it's a devastating scene, and it's beautiful, and I really wish Dr. Manhattan would SPEED UP HIS LINES (thanks, Caro!)...

But this is a very, very nice picture. I like redheads. They do it in elevator shafts, I've heard.

* Are you watching The Mighty Boosh? Why the hell not? It's on Cartoon Network EVERY WEEK, you ungrateful bastards. And it's life-changing. And I JUST discovered it, because I get too wrapped up in my own stuff to notice other awesome things until someone tells me about it. So I apologize for that. ALSO, it's on Netflix, so go get it, and let your life become BETTER than you ever imagined it could be.

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Geek Want
* This is so simple and yet so brilliant, and I need one for work:

[Found at DVICE]
A Pac-Man stapler. BUT, due to copyright infringement, these will most likely be gone soon. I think that's crap. I seriously doubt that the Pac-Man empire will crumble due to this stapler. Or maybe it will. I don't know much about business, which is why I have no money, and am idly wondering if this black market organ selling is at all like Repo! The Genetic Opera, because the Graverobber's voice is like porn, and I could certainly use the cash.
What was I talking about? Oh, yes, well, I think that work would be even better with a Pac-Man stapler. The novelty would wear off 35 minutes before NEVER.


They are life-changing links, don't get me wrong. THE KITTY IS A NINJA. But I'm not sure my psyche can handle any more dancing kitty ninjas. I think my IQ goes up every time I watch this video, and I'm not sure why or how. Dancing Kitties: Making You Smarter Since 2009.

Daily Hot Guy

[James Franco, who I like because of Freaks and Geeks, and who was inarguably the best part of Spider-Man 3 (apologies to Alfred Molina, who was also excellent, but not Thomas Haden-Church, who shouldn't even have been in the movie, because he's a wonderful actor, but he was WASTED. And then James Franco made Pineapple Express, and some other excellent movies including Milk, and he's very sexy and bright, and I love that picture of him sleeping at college, because EVERYONE sleeps during class. Plus, this picture is excellent, don't you think?]

* Oh dear God. They've made a Rolls Royce with an automatically adjusting purse holder. Yeah. This makes me so freaking angry, probably more than it warrants, but first look at the picture:

[Found at DVICE]
Now look at my bullet-points of RAGE:
- We are in a recession. People have LESS money to spend. And they are not spending it on goddamn cars with purse holders that adjust automatically. And if they are, I hate them and think I should take care of their money until they learn about responsibility.
- The car industry has ENOUGH problems without trying to justify this sort of crap. 'Well, we laid off fifty people, but LOOK! Your purse won't roll around on the floor!'
- Which leads me to my next point. THIS IS BULLSHIT. You have a purse? Cool, so I do I. I have a bit of a purse fetish. I love them. If I had the money, I would own an armada of purses, each for a different outfit/occasion. But you know what I do with my purse when I drive? I throw it on the seat beside me. And if I have a passenger? It sits on the floor. THIS IS NOT A DETRIMENT. MY LIFE DOES NOT SUFFER BECAUSE OF THIS.
- I don't know a lot about cars. But what I care about is good mileage, and safety, and ease with which I can drive the car. Yes, I'd like to be able to plug in my iPod, and I want it to look good, but that's as far as the silly stuff goes. (OK, I do love heated seats something fierce, but my car doesn't have them, and I love my car regardless.) I do not care about goddamn cup holder sizes, or a fucking automatic purse holder. I know this isn't REALLY a gender thing, BUT BUT it sort of is. I mean, they don't expect guys to buy these cars, do they? They expect rich women who can't be bothered to put their GODDAMN BAGS ON THE SEAT BESIDE THEM.
But what's worse is that I'm sure someone saw an ad for this car, in between having their toes painted with real gold by starving orphans, and thought, 'Great Scott, I need TEN of these in different colors!' Way to live down to their expectations, My Gender. I'm ashamed of everyone involved in this venture. I need to go hug my Honda Civic.

* Why do I even bother with this anymore?

[Found at Neatorama]

* ALSO, I was watching FOX News at work the other day (my boss puts it on, and I do try to watch different news stations), and I have to say that sometimes Shepard Smith is a real dick. Usually I like him, even if I don't always agree with him. But he was reporting on the release of the Lockerbie bomber (which I could yell about for DAYS, but briefly, GETTING A TERMINAL DISEASE DOES NOT MEAN YOU GET TO BE RELEASED FROM JAIL, IF YOU ARE ALREADY SERVING A LIFE SENTENCE. ) And while I clearly have strong opinions on this, Mr. Smith was being all snarky and sarcastic during the piece, and making little asides as he gave the news.

Now listen: I love me some snark. But there is a time and a place. If you are a reporter, particularly an anchor, you don't GET to do that. And I do subscribe to the Hunter Thompson philosophy that there is no unbiased journalism. But there IS unprofessional journalism, and no matter how angry we all may be about the absolute insanity of letting a murderer out of jail, BECAUSE HE'S DYING OH NOES, you need to be able to keep your shit together for the duration of your news coverage. That is your job.

And if you are going to point out MY snark, let me once again remind you that I am a blogger, who does not make money off of this, and has no credibility with anyone. If I get my own TV show, or start getting PAID for this, I promise to separate the snark from the serious in an organized manner. Also it's my damn blog. Also I don't care.

To lay the subject to rest, let me post one of my favorite Shepard Smith clips, wherein he verbally confounds Joe The Plumber.

By the way, how nice is it to not have to discuss Joe The Plumber anymore? Let's get back to that.

Depression Session
* I know things are supposedly getting better, or are going to get better, or Santa Claus is coming with a bag of money and free healthcare or something, but as far as I can tell, when the cocaine dealers are suffering, the depression is still going strong. Also, the comments section is pretty entertaining in and of itself. I really do say 'also' a lot.

Apocalypse How?
* Society is crumbling. Some man slapped a total stranger's child for crying.

My thoughts veer drastically on this issue. One one hand, if anyone slapped my little brother in a store, I'd kill them. Or maybe not. There are times I'd wished someone would intervene and yell at him, because a strange person yelling at you is in some ways more alarming than your big sister asking you, again, to please stop screaming and put down the toy.

On the other hand, this is sort of amazing. The guy told the mom to make her daughter stop crying, the child continued to cry, the child got slapped. We've all wished someone would do that, haven't we? Or at least yelled at the kid, if not hitting them, which is sort of twisted. See? It's complicated. I can't decide if I love this guy or he is the harbinger of the end of days (incidentally, my whole life I thought the word was 'harbringer', even though I've read the word many many times, and used it, because my brain just switched it around, and Microsoft Word always auto-corrected it for me. So I'm a jackass.).

But this is a sign that society is crumbling, you see? Soon we'll all be slapping each other, then beating each other, then we will be animals, and eat each other, and the world will be much like Bon Temps in this season of True Blood. Which could be fun, until the cannibalism sets in.

I think the dude should have just slapped the mother, for being a shitty parent and forcing everyone to deal with her child's endless wails.

Plus this all happened at Wal-Mart, where the apocalypse is going to start. This is common knowledge, right?

New Jersey: Hey, Our Robbers Are Fast, Even If The Traffic Is Slow.

allowscriptaccess="always" allownetworking="all" allowfullscreen="true"

Robbing a store in 31 seconds is admittedly Crime!Win. I can't help but wonder if these guys are out-of-towners. And robbing is always wrong, and they should be caught and punished, but part of me just finds the whole thing completely awesome, because the Apple store fills me with the urge to fill shopping carts with everything I see, and since that requires large quantities of cash, I am unable to do this.

More later, probably.
- LV


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