Sunday, September 27, 2009

I May Throw Up On You.

* Call me crazy, but if it's Dr. Chris Pine or Karl Urban, I won't get so upset. Title is from Star Trek.

* Due to Megan's most recent blog entry, I am now envisioning a TV show which features Jackie Earle Haley AND Fran Kranz. My brain is pleased with this.

* This pizza reminds me of the pizza in All Dogs Fo To Heaven. I don't know why:

[Drawn by Erin]
And I'd like to thank Hollywood for not remaking All Dogs Go To Heaven. Yet. The moronically bad sequels hurt me enough.

* Chameleon!Sylar?

No, I need to see my Sybrows. This is a deleted scene from Season 2. No I still have not watched the premiere of Heroes I am doing it today, I have been ill and have a LOT of TV watching to catch up on.

* Well, here is one show we don't have to worry about getting cancelled. Glee has gotten a full-season pick-up by FOX. HUZZAH. Now let's go focus on Dollhouse, which I am VERY worried about. Maybe they need more singing on Dollhouse? SOMEONE CALL NPH.

Hunter S. Thompson
* A gonzo eulogy for the late, great master. I still feel sad whenever I imagine what he would have said about Sarah Palin. CAN YOU IMAGINE? I love this essay. It's sad and beautiful.

* I AM SO DISPLEASED BY THIS NEWS. Let's go to Good/Bad Bullet Points on Lost Boys 3: The Thirst:
- GOOD: Corey Feldman as Edgar Frogg. He was one of my first crushes (SHUT UP, did you SEE Stand By Me and The Goonies, you heathens?), and Edgar Frogg remains one of my most favoritest characters.
- BAD: No Corey Haim. Because the cut scenes from Lost Boys 2: The Tribe featuring Haim were kind of fabulous. Stop having a feud, Two Coreys. Think of your fans.
- GOOD: Jamison Newslander is coming back as Alan Frogg, and since he was bitten according to the Lost Boys lore, Edgar will have the angst, which I enjoy. (Unless they cut that aspect, and then I will be PISSED, but Edgar TALKED about losing his brother to the vampires, and ANYWAY it was in the comic, which also was not especially good.)
- BAD: This article mocks The Tribe. You fail to understand that the ORIGINAL was corny and lame and had TERRIBLE HAIR, but that is why we love it so. And yes, of COURSE Lost Boys 2: The Tribe was not a good movie. But I love it, and I think it's FUN, and sometimes that's more important than anything else, OK? Also, Corey Feldman was ordained a minister. That's RIGHTEOUS.
- EPIC BAD: There is a Twilight reference in Lost Boys 3: The Thirst. Yeah. And it doesn't involve Edgar Frogg destroying Edward Cullen. He is HIRED by a Stephenie Meyers-type, to save her son, or some bullshit. NO, LOST BOYS! DO NOT FALL UNDER THE SPARKLY SPELL!
What's next? From Dusk 'Till Dawn: Super Sparkly Edition? NO. I was kidding. Please don't even joke about that.
PS Yeah, I am still excited about Lost Boys 3: The Thirst. Why? Because I think it may be my favorite vampire franchise, BECAUSE it is so corny (except for FDTD, obviously) and it's fun and lame, and Corey FREAKING Feldman. Leave me alone. Interview With The Vampire sucked. Yeah, I said it.

* I love The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly. The International Society of Supervillains explains why Lee Van Cleef was one of the best villains, ever. He still scares me. If you haven't seen this movie, you are BARELY human. And don't give me that shit about not liking Westerns. You know who doesn't like Westerns? Puppy Kickers. TRUFAX.

Daily Hot Guy

[Crispin Glover, who may be one of the creepiest DHGs EVER. But it's true. There is something very attractive about a super-creepy, tall, dark, skinny madman. And Willard was a great movie. And his hair fascinates me. Requested by Adrian Johnson, artist supreme and Watchmen fangirl.]

* I had a huge debate with my friend over whether this shoe qualified as Steampunk:

[Found at Incredible Things]
He said Yes. I said No. I said it was cyberpunk if anything, but clearly NOTHING, because it's made by Nike which sort of goes against the whole theory of punk, in general.
He said I was stupid, and wrong.
We both agree the shoes are shiny, though. Your thoughts?

* This could also be Ad!Win:

[Found at World Of Wonder]
It's really a matter of perspective.

* I didn't know it was one word. I apologize. Did you watch the premiere? I liked it a lot, while at the same time having almost no clue as to what the hell was going on. But I can't say I care much, because A) Seth Macfarlane was in it, B) It was beautifully shot, C) If it turns into the new Lost, I will have watched it from the beginning, so I will be confused with CONTEXT, D) The cast is very pretty, and E) I love John Cho. Oh, and F) CHARLIE FROM LOST IS ON THE SHOW! WHY WAS I NOT INFORMED?!
So if this is the post-Lost TeeVee world, I say bravo. Bring it on.

* The Washington Post does not like depressing stories. They only publish happy stories. The Washington Post will soon be the shortest newspaper on the planet.

* I love D*Face:

[Found at Wired]
But Batman doesn't so much.

* This is, all joking aside, one of the greatest and best things ever to come from Watchmen fandom. No, look:

[Found at Watchdom]
THEY DO THE WHOLE BOOK. I'm serious, it's so good. It even made me a tiny bit teary, and Walter would like you to know he is NOT. HOMOSEXUAL. And the tree doesn't know WHAT an Owlship is. I love this so much. It should be published, so that world peace may be achieved in our time.

* This is Rorschach as a duck:

You don't have to understand. I love you, DancesWithElvis.

* Everything good happens on the West Coast, which depresses me so much because I live in New Jersey, and while we have many cool things here, we do not have the Scream Awards. So this opportunity to get free tickets is WASTED on me. But maybe one of you guys can go, and see the awards, and have a great time, and take pictures for me? Because I gave you the link? Yes?

* I'm not the only one with mixed feelings about the Ultimate Cut:
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But I am also not Caro, so I can't express myself well.

* I just finished Bone last night. Yes, I know, I disappoint everyone, let's not go into it. But I loved it. Like, more than I should. I wanted it to be longer (and I purchased the ridiculous, weapon-sized freaking single edition, so that is saying a LOT) and I love Phoney Bone and Bartleby, and I want quiche. I don't know, it just should be read while eating quiche. And Jeff Smith is making more Bone-related projects! So I'm up on Bone INFORMATION.
OK, yes, Serena_Eliza told me about it. BUT STILL. Yeah, I am not a leader of Bone information.

Tattoo Of Win
* See, I'm sure there are people out there that this is a kink for:

[Found at LOLTATZ]
And random tattoo question: Does getting a tattoo on your ass hurt? Not the getting of the tattoo (I have two, and would like more. I KNOW what they feel like. But how do you sit down with that? You have to treat tattoos so delicately. I just can't imagine having to wrap my butt and not put any pressure on it for what, a week or two?

Words Of Win
fail owned pwned pictures
see more Fail Blog

It's cold, wet, and rainy. Perfect for popcorn, alcohol, and watching geeked-out TV while your humble blogger recovers from her skull-crushing sinus infection.
- LV


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