Monday, September 14, 2009

I Didn't Think It Was Physically Possible, But This Both Sucks & Blows.

* Oh, Bart, you're so young. Most things can suck AND blow. Especially Mondays. Title is from The Simpsons.

* So as I've said, I really enjoy Y: The Last Man, while disliking almost every character. Which is strange for me. But anyway, Yorick sort of irritates me with his sanctimonious crap. That's probably why this sketch, by the lovely and talented Erin, made me snerk coffee:

Her sketch blog is endlessly awesome. So go take a gander, and be in awe.

* Megan also makes coffee come out my nose, with her awesome:
So, McDonald's is showing ads that say "Happy Meals have surprisingly fewer fat and calories than other foods I give my kids." Uhm...what else are you giving your children? Are they eating cake three times a day with french fries and fried rice to go along with it?

Her irritation with McDonald's is justified. After all, we should all be going to White Castle. Why don't I get PAID for these endorsements?

* Theresa is doing Fables Friday, which may be the best idea since FREAKANGELS Friday, and if the two combine we will take over the world, and fairy tales and steampunk will rule supreme. Can we make this happen?

* I got pet rats. I am VERY EXCITED about this, because if you follow me on Twitter you known I am insane about these sorts of things. So this weekend I finally got two pet rats and dyed my hair the right shade of red (it's staining pillows and shirts, because I used Manic Panic, but that is IRRELEVANT, dammit).

Here is my hair:

This is Rory, named after Rorschach. She's a dumbo rat. Her belly is splotched white, and her paws are white. She's terribly shy, likes peas, and spent most of the night trying to figure out how to escape her cage. She is very distrustful:

This is Olive. She's a hairless rat, and was named by Erin, after Olive Snook from Pushing Daisies. She's OK around humans, but tends to poop and pee in my hand whenever I hold her. She likes standing on her back legs, although she has yet to burst into song:

EDIT: Why did no one tell me I posted the same picture of Rory twice? Because you thought I had identical ratses? Fixed now.

I love them. And I will take more pictures as they stop hiding and get comfortable with me.

* Joe Hill is also nominated for a Scream Award, for his work on Locke & Key. Just saying. I can't ethically tell you to vote for him, because I love many people in this category, and it was stressful enough for ME to have to vote. No, I'm NOT telling you who I voted for. I am a creature of mystery.

* Jim Carroll, who was a brilliant poet and famous for his book The Basketball Diaries, died this weekend of a heart attack at age 60. Go read some of his poetry in memoriam. He was a beautiful writer, and will be sorely missed.

* Here's a review of the soundtrack for Torchwood: Children of the Earth. I don't remember the music at all, even though I really like the Torchwood score most of the time. Probably because I couldn't hear ANYTHING over the sound of my TEARS.

Yes, I'll probably buy the soundtrack. It's supposedly good. And it's got Ianto's name on it. And I couldn't name a girl rat Ianto, for SO MANY REASONS, although I considered it. My pet store only sold female rodents, to prevent baby rodents. OK, I'll shut up now.

Inglourious Basterds
* Parts one and two of a discussion of Quentin Tarantino, which I quite like. Even if the phrases are pretty pretentious, and even as a hopeless fangirl there were are a few moments that gave me pause. These guys LIKE Quentin. Even when discussing their problems with his work.

And they're right: these topics have all been done to death, so just introduce me to Mr. Tarantino and be done with it. Our children will be tiny with ginormous chins.

* This video, from the TV show Angel, remains one of my favorite scenes ever on television. Because of the little clap David Boreanaz does:

I think we should all watch this every Monday, in order to survive the day.

People I Love
* If Warren Ellis says it, it must be true:
I like to think of an envy-crazed Steve Jobs being caught in the Castro with a meat cleaver and a sack full of right hands. In his head, all the cops look like Bill Gates, and they’re all repeating that line from Andy Warhol’s Frankenstein, where Udo Kier says, "To know death, Otto, you must fuck life in the gall bladder."

Mr. Ellis, never stop terrifying me with your genius. Read the rest of the article here.

Daily Hot Guy

[Taye Diggs, who just became a father for the first time, but that in no way makes him any less hot. He's a hot father, that's all. Plus, it should be criminal to be this geeky AND this hot at the same time. It's like a hole in the rift of win.]

Stuff To Live
* You theoretically use this bandage rug to protect your nice carpet from heavy traffic, like when you have a party and don't want your ungrateful guests to tramp all over your stuff:

[Found at NerdApproved]
But if I'm being honest (and it's Monday, so why not?) I'd use this rug to cover up coffee and soda spills.
'Did this rug move from last time?'
'No. No it did not. MORE COFFEE?'

* OK, seriously, Sylvester Stallone, you need to stop. I tolerated you for a long time, mostly because Rocky was a sweet movie, and I sort of love really dumb, bad action movies, so the Rambo flicks appealed to me as beer and pizza with my friends fodder, and I love that you were in a porno movie, because that's just funny as shit.

But you are old, and not aging that well, and you're starting to freak me out, like a lot.

So let's forget Rambo 5, OK? Rambo's gone now. Rambo's in an old folks' home, sipping cocoa and calling all the nurses terrorists. Leave him be.

Jackie Earle Haley
* Have you voted for Jackie Earle Haley and Watchmen yet today? No, you probably haven't, because you're really evil, aren't you? AREN'T YOU?! No, I'm kidding. Please stop crying. Jackie doesn't want you to cry, either. He just wants you to vote at the Scream Awards for Watchmen and Rorschach. Now dry your eyes. And let's go home. Sorry, I couldn't help myself.

* Yes, that is Archie behind him, and yes, this does fill me with shameless fangirl ecstasy, and what is it to you if it DOES?

* I know this is a very old article, and the Bruno drama has faded into a mere memory, but Sacha Baron Cohen is super smart and super tall, and he's stripping for Conan:

And it's Monday, and these things AMUSE ME, OK?!

* The True Blood season finale last night was disappointing. Nothing really got sorted or settled, and I feel like it was rather messy, and that Sookie was sort of being a bitch, and Jessica is becoming my favorite person because at least she's INTERESTING.

But Sam was naked, and that was sort of great. WHAT? He was a BULL, and then he was NUDE. FTW.

OK, time for work and such.
- LV


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