Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Well I Appreciate Your Honesty. Not, You Know, A Lot But…

* That's how most people feel about Mal and his honesty. Title is from Firefly. Did you WATCH Castle last night? I do love him so. Nathan Fillion is wonderful.

* It's a SHARK in a BEAR-SUIT:

[Made by Erin]
I think very soon Mr. Shark is going to discover that it's hard enough to run when you're a shark, let alone a shark dressed as a bear. And Mr. Doggy will learn that bears and sharks taste the same - like chicken!

* I had a nice playground growing up, with monkey bars and a slide and a sandbox and such. But my playground had NOTHING on this one, in Japan:

[Found at Mental Floss]
God dammit, I want a redo on my childhood. Their playground is built into a HILL. Mine had a wooden dragon. I loved that dragon, but WHO CARES? HILL-GAMES:

[Found at Mental Floss]
There are ten more from around the world, including New York, Australia, and a scary tire playground that's also in Japan. Further proof that kids these days are spoiled rotten. Let's punish the lucky brats with hairy-pubed hobbit dolls.

* Joss Whedon won an Emmy.
I just like reminding myself of that fact, sometimes. And Dollhouse is going to return on Friday, which means I MUST finish watching it before then (yes I saw it, but Dollhouse is the sort of show where you really need to remember everything that happened, or you're SCREWED. So watch Dollhouse, because then maybe we'll get a Dr. Horrible sequel. AND LIFE WOULD BE GOOD.

People I Love
* You should listen to NY Geekcast because Erin is on it, and she's awesome and a genius. Plus, they give such gifts as this, a video of Seth Rogen doing stand-up in 1996:

He was thirteen. I was ten. TRUE LOVE? To be honest, I kind of want to pinch his cheeks. That's a weird response.

Depression Session
* Since soon we will all have no money, but we will ALL have Swine Flu H1N1, and then anyone unwise enough to sneeze around us, or even burp but it sounds like a sneeze, will be beaten to death with long sticks, to keep the germs at bay. FUN TIMES.
But luckily, you can make your own eco-friendly hand-sanitizer, to use before and after you beat the infected with sticks. It will be like 28 Days Later..., only cleaner.

Daily Hot Guy

[Milo Ventigliannnnno, or whatever. I don't like him much. I mean, yes, he's very attractive, and he does a fine job as Angst King on Heroes. I had a huge crush on him when he was Jesse on Gilmore Girls (SHUTUPDON'TJUDGEME), and I think he's a good actor. I just find Peter annoying as fuck. But you know what? I am selfless, and therefore this is for my friend Larissa. Happy Tuesday.]

* 728 people from my state were ticketed in a New Jersey crosswalk sting. They also issued 907 warnings in four days. Added with the other statistics, every single person in my tiny, overcrowded little state got yelled at over the past month. We're all very sorry.
Welcome to the Garden State. We have crosswalk stings. I think that's sort of awesome. And no, I was not yelled at. I'm a good driver. It's the rest of the country that doesn't know how to merge.

* This is a handy venn diagram for what category you fall into.

[Found at Neatorama]
I was going to to write a funny piece about which category people around me picked to define me, and then I'd get angry and indignant. Instead, this conversation took place:
Me: Mom, pick a category.
Mom: What do I do?
Me: Pick the category that defines me. It's a Venn diagram.
Mom: I know what it is, I used to teach these.
Me: OK, then tell me what defines me.
Mom: Intelligence.
Me: Um, no, that's not how it works.
Mom: I KNOW what a Venn diagram is.
Me: Ok, then pick!
Mom: Intelligent geeky nerd.
Me: No, OK, you're doing it wrong.
Mom: I am NOT. These parts overlap.
Me: Yes, exactly.
Mom: But you're not explaining-
Mom: I KNOW.
Me: You can't PICK intelligence.
Mom: Yes I can!
Me: That's like seeing a Venn diagram of A Tale Of Two Cities, Great Expectations, and Hard Times.
Mom: So?
Me: You can't PICK Great Expectations!
Mom: Because you're wrong!
Me: Shh, listen. You hear that? It's the sound of brain cells committing suicide.
This story ends happily, though. We're pretending the conversation never happened.

Stuff To Live
* These are not fruit, but sticky-notes:

[Found at Like Cool]
They are very pretty, and would look darling on my desk, and I am convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt that they smell delicious.

* This is not a Fail because of Spike Jonze (I kind of love him a lot, including when he was in Three Kings, and his directing of Adaptation., and the fact that he introduced me to Charlie Kaufman, who is pure genius love).

* This is not a Fail because of Where The Wild Things Are (It is going to be the Best Movie Ever, and I keep watching the trailer and listening to Wake Up by Arcade Fire because of it, and it just makes me HAPPY, OK? I mean, have you SEEN Max's pajamas? I want them. I'm not joking even a little. I want those pajamas, because that is how they looked in the book, PERFECTLY. Seriously, I will cut someone if they express doubts about this movie. CUT THEM WITH MY EYES.

* In fact, I'm going to post the trailer again, because watching it daily will make the world a better place:

* No, this is a Fail solely because in some alternate universe not too far from our own, Spike Jonze directed the movie Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls. And that's a universe in which I wish to dwell.

Jackie Earle Haley
* Great piece on Dollman, which you all need to watch, because of Jackie Earle Haley. Obviously.

* Also, I cannot stop watching this gif. And I want that hat. And that sweater. And no one is EVER allowed to remake this movie, forever and ever, AMEN:

* I'm just posting this because we have not had nearly enough Rorschach on this blog as of late, which I think is actually illegal, and soon SkyNet will swoop down on me. I don't know why I picked SkyNet as my nemesis. I want Captain Hammer to be my nemesis:

And I know that, TECHNICALLY, it's Walter Kovacs in this picture, but not even Big Figure would be ass enough to call him 'Walter,' ever. I would. Because we're all locked in there with him. I need to read the comic again. And then watch the movie, and scream about plot holes.

OK, I need to go find Dollhouse, so I can be all caught up on it by Friday, unlike Heroes, which I had to DVR because I have no finished the Epic Rewatch. Which was sad, although it was on at the same time as House, anyway. ANDRE BRAUGHER AND FRANKA POTENTE! LOLA! This excited me. The rapping, not so much. I will review them later. And Castle is Castle. I wanna be a tall Russian redheaded chick with a gun. And Nathan Fillion, please.

I need to go shopping for a dress for another wedding. I don't mind. Any excuse to shop is good. Yes, I am indeed shallow AND deep. It's a contradiction.
- LV


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