Thursday, September 10, 2009

That Is Not True. Redact It. REDACT IT!

* 'Redact' is a criminally underused word. Title is from The Office.

Hunter S. Thompson
* This is a really fascinating piece by Warren Ellis on the suicide of Hunter S. Thompson. It's sad and angry and confused, and quite lovely, written immediately in the aftermath of the Good Doctor's death.

But I have to say, I don't agree with Mr. Ellis' opinions on suicide. He also said some pretty inflammatory things when Heath Ledger's death was originally suspected to be a suicide. It seems to be a hot button for him. It's a touchy subject, and I'm not going to delve into it before my first cup of coffee, but I do not agree with him on that issue. Even if he IS internet Jesus.

* All the rage and panic over Obama making every child in America a Communist was apparently a bit of an overreaction. Look, you do not have to like the President. But he's the fucking President. I sat through every speech Bush Jr. made, because he was the PRESIDENT and that is what you do. Be respectful, even if you disagree with EVERYTHING they're saying.

Also, if you're worried about what the President would talk about with your children, I have a simple solution: discuss it with them. Engage them in a CONVERSATION. Tell them if you think the President is full of shit. Talk to your kids. They may be spoiled and whiny and dumb (as most kids are), but at least you'll have a dialogue with them. Wins?

Star Trek
* Yet ANOTHER reason I should have been at Dragon*Con. Shatner and Nimoy. NIMOY AND SHATNER:

The epic of the epicness. The ORIGINAL BAMFs of Space. Here's more of the interview.
I love Star Trek. All those who do not are sub-human. Or just need to watch a few episodes with me. I'm very convincing.

* I love zombies. This is not new information. I am fully and utterly prepared for the zombie apocalypse, and maybe looking forward to it, because it will be fascinating. But I don't think we need to inject zombies into every single aspect of daily life. OK, yes I do. But I don't think we need Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, or Paul is Undead, a Beatles/zombie thing. It's just so self-aware and post-modern, and I want NEW, original zombie movies and books. Is that so hard to understand? I don't care what would have happened if John Lennon had hungered for brains. Yes, I am indeed a freak. I'm much more excited about The Walking Dead on TV.

* This is a recipe for True Blood Steak Salad. Because, you know, if your sexy non-sparkly vampire boyfriend bites you, you'll need a lot of B12 to keep up your strength for the insane graveyard sex and running from crazy ladies who claw at you and dress up like bulls. Yeah, I don't know, it's a weird show, and I love it because it allows me to write sentences like that.

[Found at SlashFood]
But I don't get the steak salad connection, except that it looks delicious. And would give you strength? And also looks nothing like the heart Maryann cooked, which was the most disgusting thing ever put on TV, and made me a vegetarian until the end of the show.

Daily Hot Guy

[Alan Tudyk, or as we here on FEAR AND LOATHING like to call him, Alpha Wash, king of the dinosaurs and naked television watcher, who will be returning to TeeVe very soon on Dollhouse to slash our throats and generally be crazy and gorgeous]

* It's funny until you learn you're expected to wear the hat the whole night:

[Found at Neatorama]
And God help you if you get drunk. Then you're the drunk person who spilled the nachos, thus ruining Granny's 87th birthday.

* This could have gone under Hunter Thompson, but this is about the book, not the man. I have been waiting for this book:

[Found at Amazon]
For about two years. But now it's going to be released in June of 2010. WTF? WHY? And why did you pick THAT picture of him? I WANT THIS BOOK NOW. I NEED it to complete my collection, and why do you keep pushing it back? Why are you punishing me like this? Now I'm all sad.

Doctor Who
* Doctor Who Confidential is doing a sixty-minute Greatest Moments special from the Tenth Doctor, and I'm sure it will be funny and sweet and make me cry, and then I will get angry they didn't have one for Nine, but then I'll just be sad Ten is going, and it will be a GEYSER of emotion.

And I still think David Tennant needs to play the Riddler. You know this to be true.

Inglourious Basterds
* Quentin Tarantino is getting the Kirk Douglas Award for Excellence at the S.B. Film festival. This fact makes me laugh, and I have no idea why.

[Found at VenturaCountyStar]
Dear Universe, why am I attracted to this man? I know he's awful and narcissistic and yet I adore him. It's exhausting.

* So they say Joss Whedon's taking over the internet, creative he's making it a better place (about time!). So they say it's a real trend (so amazing!) (I love this). So they say this is the new way to make money and be original. (Thanks to me!). It's the perfect story, so they say, a hero leading the way. Whedon's call to glory. Let's all be our best. I could do this all day.

People I Love
* Caro, never stop being amazing. Seriously:

This is genius.

WELL, my Blogger just shut down, so I lost a lot of goodness, including links to some great journals AND a sweet bag, but now I'm going to be late for work, so I'll have to fix it later, maybe.

Technology HATES me.
- LV


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