Sunday, September 20, 2009

It's Such A Fine Line Between Stupid & Clever.

* Title is from This is Spinal Tap. I think repeated viewing of this movie could solve all the worlds' problems. And I'm willing to TEST this theory.

* DanaM1218 sent me this. I don't know why. Probably to keep me from every doing laundry again:

Zombies are in our LAUNDRY, eating our socks. NOT OUR SOCKS. I love socks. I love my socks. And you might think it's better if they eat socks instead of our brains, but you're just kidding yourself. THEY EAT BOTH. ARMAGEDDON, MAN.

Apocalypse How?

[Found at ToplessRobot]
The robot has babies. It GIVES BIRTH. Think about this. Soon they're going to be all, 'Well, humans, now that we can give birth to robot babies, you are extraneous, and you're going to die now.'
And read this:
Mom: Robots are having babies? Cool.
Me: COOL?!
Mom: Sure. They're using them for medical practice.
Mom: It only does that so they can make sure it doesn't happen to people. It's not real. Think of all the lives that can be saved!
They're everywhere. Trust no one.

* Crap. My Robot!Mom was right. Apparently, sitting up straight makes you feel better about yourself. I slouch. I slouch, and I'm short, which is a bad combination. But I only slouch in the morning, while I'm half-slumped over a cup of coffee, bleary-eyed and hung over, so I don't think that has anything to do with my mercurial self-esteem.

Seriously, though, I'd appreciate it if we didn't tell Robo!Mom about this. With her robot powers, she might, I don't know, JAM A METAL ROD INTO MY SPINE, and then say, 'You will sit up straight FOREVER NOW.' That would suck a lot. Or she might just get smug and be all, 'I told you so.' I'd prefer the metal spine rod, to be honest.

* This is a really great method for getting through a creative slump. It's not just for writing, but since I can't draw (really, this is not false modesty. I cannot draw, and I cannot dance. These are two things I just can't do. I can do lots of other things, including speak in Latin and recite obscure film facts and write, so I accept my failings) I will use it for writing. WHICH I ONCE AGAIN HAVE TIME TO DO. Let us rejoice. Or just me.

* I really don't KNOW anything about steampunk, and I won't pretend to, because then people who know a lot about it would expose me and it would make me cry shameful tears. But I do love steampunk, and I think it's cool and pretty and interesting, and I want to know more about it, because when Warren Ellis and Alan Moore grow bored and reboot the world to their liking, it will probably look like this:

[Photos by Lex Machina]
And it will be cool and futuristic, and be like a hybrid of FREAKANGELS, Transmetropolitan, Watchmen, and Swamp Thing. Or we'll all just be eaten by Alan Moore's beard while Warren Ellis smokes cigarettes and curses.

Daily Hot Guy

[Corey Feldman. Don't look at me like that. The neck tattoo is hot, too. I hope we see more of it in the next Lost Boys installment.]

* Well, this is depressing as shit. On the list of the ten most pirated eBooks of 2009, only ONE does NOT make me want to claw out my own eyeballs and scream into the night. ONE. And then I think that people probably only want that one book because of Dan brown, and the eyeball-clawing urge begins once again.

* Toys have changed a lot since I was a kid. This list of the seven most inappropriate toys proves that. I don't think the tattoo gun should be on the list. Not next to pole-dancing dolls and nipple-tassel shirts and breast-feeding baby dolls for girls that have not yet hit puberty. Yet none of those are the most disturbing, to me. What's worse than all the things I just listed?

Why the FUCK do I have to shave this hobbit-baby? I refuse. You CANNOT make me shave the pubic hair of a baby plastic hobbit doll. WHY DOES THIS EXIST? I'M SCARED NOW.

* I want this poster:

[Found at Life, Doctor Who, & Combom]
And yes, I could clearly print one up on my sad cheap printer paper using my sad cheap printer ink, but dammit that just isn't the same. Ianto would have used NICE paper and NICE ink. The point is, someone should print this up on pretty expensive paper and give it to me, as a gift, because I have a hangover. This is AIRTIGHT LOGIC.

Inglourious Basterds
* I would like to see Jane Campion's new movie, Bright Star. But now all I can think about is Quentin Tarantino's take on poetry, and if such a thing would
A) Save the world
B) Destroy the world, or
C) Just further exasperate my friends who simply skip over this section as it is. YOU CAN'T STOP OUR LOVE! (Anyone know the quote reference? Correct answer gets a prize!)

More later. Happy Sunday.
- LV


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