Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Good News Everyone! I've Taught The Toaster To Feel Love!

* So now it can comprehend the aching void in its life. You've doomed it to eternal loneliness. And now the toast sucks. Title is from Futurama.

* I can't tell you why this monkey's expression makes me so very happy...

[Drawn by Erin]
And honestly I don't care. He is all grinning with his headphones!

* I agree with everything Megan said about District 9. AND her answer to 'What Does Edward Cullen Smell Like?' made me snerk coffee. AND AND she likes the Lostprophets, who are still kind of awesome, although my favorite song remains 'Last Train Home' because I have a weakness for angry broken-heart emo-type songs.

People I Love
* Oh, Tobias Funke, I mean, David Cross. Who I also love. This is the best bio ever written. Hands down:

[Found at dlisted]
I'd hit it. It's David freaking Cross. Just saying.
I'll give you a minute to utter your favorite Tobias line.

* Speaking of Arrested Development alumni, this both feeds into my love of making small children cry AND WIll Arnett's erotic baritone voice:

Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret has never been so disturbing. Now I want him to read Good Night, Moon.

* One of the Real Housewives of New Jersey is selling clothing that makes my eyeballs vomit and my sense of style commit suicide:

[Found at Jezebel]
I chose this shirt because it's what her husband said when she asked about getting fake breasts. This makes me despise my own state. Give me a minute, I need to blast some Springsteen and remind myself that not EVERYTHING from this place is awful. THIS WOMAN DOES NOT REPRESENT ME.

* I try to be pretty open about the inherent weirdness in fandom. It's part of being a fanboy/girl. And most of it is well-intentioned and fun, even the bits that make me raise my eyebrows. I have no problem with 99.9% of what occurs in the fandoms of the universe.

However, make no mistakes about it. NO one should be accepting of a fanfiction about a dude getting raped by a velociraptor, and enjoying it.

You know, I LIKED the first Jurassic Park. I ENJOYED it. I did NOT need the visual of a dude getting humped by a giant raptor to HAUNT MY DREAMS.

Luckily, the hero website Topless Robot provides commentary to keep you from tumbling over into the mouth of madness:
Yes. That just happened. The phrase "purple shotgun" was used to describe a penis for the first time in history. You witnessed it. Congratulations.

There's also a description of a dinosaur's unmentionables. AND A WORD FOR IT.

And here's my favorite quote from an older one, and ALL THE REASON IN THE WORLD to hate the internet:
Do any TR readers actually have sex on Fridays? Because shit like this just wrecks me. How do you not have Buster the teddiursa screaming "MOOOOOOOMY" in your head the entire time?

Stuff To Live
* I really just want to buy this for Patrick Bateman:

[Found at Nerd Approved]
A knife mirror? He'd find it darling. He could hack you to death AND make sure his hair was in place. I don't need one. I check my makeup in a REAL knife.

Iron Man
* Iron man, iron man, does whatever an iron can... I'm sorry, Bio-Dome was funny. No, it wasn't. But you know what looks amazing? Iron Man 2:

As I say frequently, Iron Man is probably my favorite superhero because he's so fucked up. And I love Robert Downey, Jr. And I loved the first one. And Mickey Rourke looks like the homeless guy who lived down the street from my old apartment and told me frequently that the clowns were donkeys, so I feel fondly towards him. Be honest. You're totally stoked about this movie. Don't lie. It's IRON MAN.

Oh, and remind me to bitch about Entertainment Tonight at some point. They are so terrible.

Daily Hot Guy

[David Tennant, who is going to make Masterpiece Theater dangerously erotic]

* This is Armchair/Shotgun, my friend's journal that publishes established and emerging artists/writers. It's going to be incredible. You should submit your stuff. And read them.

* This is Megabot:
Megabot, Ep. 1
It features Fran Kranz, AKA Topher Brink from Dollhouse, who will ALSO be in The Cabin In The Woods, AKA The Best Movie Ever because it is like Joss Whedon plus Evil Dead (admittedly minus Bruce Campbell, but we as a species are not ready for such wonders).

This is just further proof that even things only loosely affiliated with Joss Whedon are made of Win. And that Fran Kranz is hot. It had to be said.

Plus, it's a spoof of Power Rangers. We need more of those.

* Oh, for the love of good film: They are making a Hancock sequel. I saw the original, opening weekend, because my friend made me. It was painful. We actually turned to each other and said, 'Please tell me you're not enjoying this.' It made me want to gauge out my eyes. And we're getting ANOTHER of these, but no Arrested Development movie? WHAT? WHO MAKES THESE DECISIONS?!

I need to go hit myself in the head now.

Jackie Earle Haley
* Um.

[Made by RorschachsChick]
File this under 'GIFs I cannot stop watching, nor do I want to. Ever.'

* I have, of course, watched the trailer for A Nightmare On Elm Street hundreds of times once or twice by now, as I'm assuming you have, if you possess a SOUL. Anyway, if you want to see it on the big screen, you should go see Zombieland. Because it's on there. So you'll get Jackie Earle Haley, Freddy Krueger, and ZOMBIES. This really does make up for the Hancock sequel. All is forgiven, Hollywood. No, not really. I'm still PISSED about Shutter Island.

* Huzzah, people are watching new shows! And more people are watch Glee than Vampire Diaries! I have FAITH in humanity. For the next ten seconds. And, it's gone.

Geek Want
* Sometimes something comes along that is so wonderful and beautiful and perfect that I don't need to say anything:

[Found at We Love You So]
You can buy it.

* My GOD:

Why is this man not PRESIDENT OF THE UNIVERSE?

And it's in japanese, which somehow makes it more awesome, if that's even POSSIBLE.

* If David Cronenberg wants to remake The Fly, again, that is his business. I am not questioning the dude who made Dead Ringers. Twin Jeremy Irons? YES. And it was a brilliant, twisted film. And freaked me out beyond words. Now I want to watch it again. Curse you, Cronenberg!

* I have no clue what's going on in this video:

Pay Cut by =funymony on deviantART
I'm not even going to PRETEND. I won't cheapen myself like that.

Sorry this was late-ish, the internet killed itself when it saw me reading that velociraptor porn (thank you, internet, for making me type such things), and I had to do a voodoo ritual to bring it back.

Now I need to go sweater shopping. For a Freddy Krueger sweater.
- LV


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