Thursday, September 17, 2009

But She Was Naked! And All Articulate!

* Oh, Mal, that's your excuse for everything. Title is from Firefly.


This is why I don't like fishing. Zombies wander around at the bottom of the lake, then when you drop line they EAT YOUR BRAINS. Sorry, I've been listening to the Jonathan Coulton song a lot lately (best zombie song ever). Here's a video of him performing the song live. Because it's Thursday and I got very little sleep and it's cold, and dammit, zombies HELP:

Apocalypse How?
* A snake with a foot was found in China:

[Found at Geekologie]
Well, that about wraps it up for humanity as a species. Because I like snakes and all, but soon they'll evolve feet, and then tiny arms, and then voice boxes, and in a few million years everyone will be all, 'Remember those hairless pink monkeys that used to run around?'
Admittedly, this is a very futuristic apocalypse, but still. SNAKES WITH FEET.

Epic!Fail - New Category
* This category is for the height of stupidity.
You know those rubber bracelets?

[Found at Jezebel]
Yeah, those. They're rubber. They're bracelets. I wore about fifty black ones on each wrist when I was in high school, because I was edgy and different. You heard about the 'snap game'? Where if someone breaks your bracelet, you have to perform a sex act with them depending on the color of the broken bracelet? Yeah, well, hysterical fear over that game and how it will destroy the morality of children has caused a school to ban the rubber bracelets.

Like I said, I wore these in high school. Most people I knew did. They were a big fashion thing, for reasons that now escape me. And I heard about 'the game.' But nobody I knew ever played it. EVER. It was this thing called a joke. Because
A) Generally speaking, I don't let people walk around trying to break my jewelry. Even crappy rubber bracelets.
B) Those bracelets were NOT easy to break. Me and my friends would try, to see if there was any truth in this, and damn.
C) If someone DID manage to snap your bracelet, and they WERE serious about the game (again, nobody I knew in middle school or high school was ever actually involved in the game - and I knew some weird, weird people) you COULD say no. Like, 'Are you serious? It's a goddamn joke, you freakity freak. Breaking a bracelet in no way guarantees fun naked times.'

This is... it's moronic. If kids want to have sex, they don't need rubber bracelets to do it. What about the dangers of backpacks? I could carry PORN in it. Or pockets! You know, pockets could contain condoms. If someone turns your pocket inside out, you have to have sex with them. It's a game! That I just made up.

* You never screw with a man's pizza rolls:

[Found at FrigginRandom]
Is it too early for pizza rolls? Answer: it is NEVER too early for pizza rolls.

Doctor Who
* Masterpiece Theater is NOT supposed to be sexy. It defies the laws of the universe:

But David Tennant is using his real accent, which is hot, and he's hot, and... yeah, I have no justification, except a desperate love for David Tennant and men with accents. I'm TIRED, dammit. Let me dream on the waves of his voice.

Inglourious Basterds
* Here are seven things we learned from Inglourious Basterds. I already knew milk was terrifying. I watch Monk.

Daily Hot Guy

[The Stoltz. With a beard. You're welcome.]

* Dear Russell T. Davies:
You will never be Joss Whedon, and these are some of the reasons why. I am filing an injunction to get Ianto under the custody of Mr. Whedon, who would NOT have done what you did, although if he pulls another Doyle I will rescind custody. Maybe Ianto can be in the Dr. Horrible sequel, with Jackie Earle Haley and NPH and Nathan Fillion. Yes, it's very lovely inside my head. Why do you ask?

People I Love
* Don't laugh, but I really think Victoria Beckham is sort of awesome. She doesn't take herself seriously in ANY interview I've ever read, she's married to a ridiculously attractive man (and really, David Beckham is almost uncomfortably gorgeous), and she dresses like an insane person, which I enjoy, because she still sort of rocks it:

[Found at Dlisted]
I would never wear this. Ever. But I am not that tall, and I feel like height is essential to the wearing of this outfit. And while I COULD hate Posh Spice for my ill-fated attempt to imitate her blonde haircut, that's really my fault, and not hers. She cannot be blamed for my inadequacies.

Words Of Win
* I'm not staying at this hotel. I'll be sleeping in my car.
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