Monday, September 21, 2009

It Only Seems Like High School. Actually, It's Much Worse.

* Meaning there's pee on ALL the toilet seats, and the gossip is ALL about you. Title is from Daria, which I miss.

* Premieres week starts tonight! I am terribly excited , and need to remember to set my DVR, otherwise I will be bereft. Tonight we have Heroes, House, and Castle. And then next week Lie To Me resumes. Yay! A night of Zachary Quinto, Hugh Laurie, and Nathan Fillion? It's too bad they're not all on a show together. I would end up in a joy coma.

* Speaking of Nathan Fillion and Joy Comas, this was the best part of the Emmy's last night:

Dear NPH, I love you. I want to be best friends and I'd also like a hug. You are awesome. Team Dr. Horrible!

* It's all Joss Whedon, all the time! OK, not really. This is just a crazy random happenstance. But Dollhouse is back on Friday, and with Dollhouse comes the return of Alpha Wash, crown prince of crazy. It will be the best thing ever, that night. Just lisren to Mr. Whedon talk. Use your words:

People I Love
* Oh, International Society of Supervillains. Please, please handle all my spam mail from now on. For the sake of my psyche. And because you are geniuses, and it would amuse you to annihilate these FOOLS.

Depression Session
* Hey, guess what? I know we're in a depression recession. I know people have less money, and things are tough all around, and that concessions have to be made. Sacrifices, even. All that aside, I am NOT paying money, on a vacation, to sleep in a bed made out of hay.
You can do that. Have fun. I'll be over here being sane, on the couch. With no hay.

* This person and his tattoo does not represent me, or my state:

[Found at LOLTATZ]
Although now I'm thinking of all sorts of creative pit hair stylings that could amuse the tattoo-owner for months, if not years. He'll have time. Believe me, he'll have time.

Daily Hot Guy

[Ewan McGregor, who I could say funny and clever things about, but just look at his eyes and feel your cares melt away. Where the hell has he been, lately? I'd like him to make another movie with Christopher Eccleston and Danny Boyle. NOW.]

* This is the best terrible Star Wars costume ever made:

[Found by Dolour Inviolate]
No, I'm serious. This is amazing. He dressed up as The Death Star. WHO DOES THAT?! That's awesome. I want someone to dress up as Serenity. Or the Enterprise. Why not? It's more interesting than the same old Spock and Luke Skywalker costumes, yeah? There are more bad costumes here, but I'm still planning an all-ship costume contest. It will be SWEET.

* Oh, COME ON. Vampires are going to save the music industry? How? By Edward Cullen playing shitty piano ballads to his crazy-eyed girlfriend? Oh, wait, by co-opting all these artists I have liked for a long time and sticking them on shitty Twilight CDs. OK. Well, I've become rather dead emotionally after you started promoting Wuthering Heights as 'Edward and Bella's favorite book!' so I guess I almost expect you to show up and smear vampire feces all over Bon Iver. That was gross. I'm sorry for typing that. So I'll go buy lots of Bon Iver music (oh wait, I own it all) but NOT the Twilight music, because NOTHING GOOD comes out of that franchise.
Except Peter Facinelli. He's gorgeous.

* Oh, look, lots of amazing conventions have been announced! The soundtrack to this category? My bitter, broken sobs of broke-ness.

Stuff To Live
* I'm not a violent girl, generally. But I am a small girl, and I need to defend myself, and the cops in my town frown upon homemade flame-throwers (boy, will their faces be red when the zombies attack), so I think I need to add this bag to my collection:

[Found at Like Cool]
You know what that is. It's a purse with brass knuckles. The perfect self-defense tool for the stylish young woman. And if you disagree, I can totally hit you in the face until you change your mind. And look adorable while doing so.

Moment Of Win
fail owned pwned pictures
see more Fail Blog

Monday, stop kicking my ass and give me more coffee.
- LV


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