Friday, September 4, 2009

They Don't Like It When You Shoot At 'Em. I Worked That Out Myself.

* Mal, you even make war charming. Which may not be a good thing. Title is from Firefly.

* Because I usually post them at night, because that's when I make them, here are more shirts I made, including Inglourious Basterds, True Blood, Torchwood, and Heroes.
And due to a sale at AC Moore, I have more T-Shirts, and need ideas. IDEAS, PEOPLE. Send them to me. Although I think it's pretty much guaranteed that I'll be making a Dollhouse one, not because I love the show so much as I love Alpha, and a Team Alpha shirt is too bad-ass to ignore. And a V For Vendetta one. And maybe a Preacher one. And I still need to finish designing my Transmetropolitan one. Oh, hell...

* World Peace Through Jackie Earle Haley: We give you Jackie Earle Haley AND the chance to win free stuff. What more do you need from life? Answer: NOTHING.

Freakangels Friday
* REALLY. I can't get on the damn site, and this makes me ANGRY, because I feel like Warren Ellis does these things on purpose, just to mess with me. I am easy to mess with. I just screamed at the TV and turned off CNN, because I cannot deal with their shitty, shitty reporting. I want to know about politics, and I do not CARE who Michael Jackson is buried near. Anyway, FREAKANGELS is up, SUPPOSEDLY, but the site isn't working for me, and I don't think that's fair. When I worked at Barnes & Nobles, I got in trouble for trying to get everyone to buy Mr. Ellis' first novel, Crooked Little Vein:
'I need a book for my granddaughter. She's eleven.'
'I'm looking for a book on relationships.'
'I want a dinosaur book!
'I need a book by Nicholas Sparks.'
The store is closed now. No fault of mine. The page for FREAKANGELS still won't load, but maybe it will, later, and then we'll all be OK? Yes?
Edit: It's working now, but I'm afraid to close the page. So it will remain open, and as every Friday, Spoilers and review will be after my signature at the bottom.

* Beer in a pouch! Like the astronauts drink!

[Found at DVICE]
Although they probably don't let astronauts drink, what with the technology and the disasters that could lead to. But yes, beer in a pouch. It preserves the flavor, but you look like a loser. Because there is NOTHING intimidating about crushing an empty pouch with your hand. Nothing at all.

* I speak Latin. Not well, but I took it from sixth grade on, and I've tried to keep up with it. Not for any reason. I just like Latin. I think it's pretty, and unlike French I don't sound like I'm mocking the whole culture whenever I open my mouth. So I knew what all these Latin phrases you pretend to understand meant, but I can't do simple geometry, which I think says something quite profound about my brain. And they didn't include the phrase from my Hunter Thompson shirt, so I sit here all smug.
This isn't really about books, but I couldn't think of a better place to put it.

Star Trek
* Because The Next Generation simply does not get enough love on this blog, and Data was the best ever, and Brent Spiner's Twitter never fails to amuse AND alarm me:

[Found at ONTD_StarTrek]

* I am so, so sorry. I apologize for this, and it makes me sad to have these opinions, so I will keep it brief:
- The more I think about it, the less I feel I'll be watching the next season of Torchwood, simply because there is no one left to watch, and if Jack Harkness just shrugs off the events of Children of the Earth, I will lose ANY remaining goodwill I have towards him.
- Comics, like books, do not have the beautiful Welsh vowels of Gareth David-Lloyd, and are therefore nowhere near as fun, even if the stories are sometimes much better than the actual show.
- The art for the Torchwood comic is not good at all. I'm sorry. But I don't like it. Even if they dress Ianto in red.

[Found at DreadCentral]
That is all.

Inglourious Basterds
* I nearly wrote 'Inglourious Bakers, because I want pie. Anyway, this category is more about Quentin Tarantino than simply his latest film, but I'm too lazy to change it. And because apparently this is the week when people I admire are awesome to their fans, Mr. Tarantino congratulates two brothers on their spoof of the Royale with Cheese scene in Pulp Fiction. Watching the clip, I pretty much just want to steal his jacket. I know, I have issues. Moving on.

Here's the video that amused Mr. Tarantino so very much:

Daily Hot Guy(s)

[Jackie Earle Haley AND Zack Snyder and Malin Ackerman (I have nothing against her, but she fails to be a hot guy, daily or otherwise) and they are adorable and holding a giant Watchmen picture, so there is nothing bad about this picture at ALL, except of course that I fail to EVER be at the San Diego Comic-Con.]

* Here is a list of the Biggest of the Big Bads from the shows of Joss Whedon. I generally agree with this list, but how is Alpha not a big bad? Dude will slice and dice you, and look totally innocent while doing it!
The Mayor was always one of my favorite Big Bads.
"Now, Faith, I don't find that sort of thing amusing. I'm a family man. Now, let's kill your little friend. Don't worry, I wouldn't ask you to do it. Not this early in the relationship. Besides, I think a vampire attack would look less suspicious, anyway. In the meantime, let's look at the rest of the apartment, huh? If I'm not mistaken, some lucky girl has herself a PlayStation"

People I Love
* Kevin Smith is doing a twenty-four hour Tweet-a-Thon. To promote stuff. As someone who just hit 10,000 tweets (I work on a computer most of the day, and I have a lot of things to say, and frankly I don't think YOU tweet ENOUGH) I find this exciting and entertaining, and he is a very funny man. Look at part of the press release:
“This is not news at all. In fact, it’s kinda stupid. But I wanna see if I can do it. I’ve been training for this my whole life, simply by being a lazy fat-ass who’d rather stare at a screen than better himself with a brisk constitutional. Someone asked what my training regiment is gonna be, and I told them I’ve already stockpiled lots of Count Chocula.”

Kevin Smith needs to be mayor of some town. My town? YES. He's from New Jersey, too, you know. Jersey!Win. Wow, that was strange to type....

Stuff To Live
* I love steampunk, but I never thought I'd type the following sentence: I desperately need a steampunk mechanical cheetah:

[Found at LikeCool]
I don't even know or care if it works. But I need one in my life. Don't you? Really, don't we all? Hats off to whoever made this. My shirts are shamed, now.

* Paramount sucks. I know I've discussed Shutter Island's move before, and I am sure I will continue to do so until it comes out, because it is UNFAIR AND ANNOYING, and frankly everyone at Paramount eats blind kittens and spits on babies and hates Bruce Campbell, so you KNOW they are evil.
I'd like to blame this all on Stephenie Meyers, but I can't quite suss out how. Give me time.

I have many things to complete today, and it is a lovely day, so methinks I will spend it sitting outside, listening to music and working. But first, I will read FREAKANGELS, because Warren Ellis is not to be trifled with.
- LV

CLIFFHANGER! And where the fuck is Karl? And Arkady? They are my favorites. And Kirk wasn't shot in the crotch? I thought that was the POINT.
The art in this one is gorgeous. The rain... it's beautiful. I want a print of this somewhere. I want to make a FREAKANGELS shirt. But only if Karl continues to not die. His death would terribly upset me. And Kait is out of her gourd, but she reminds me a lot of Rorschach. Very methodical. You have to admire that. From a distance.
Thank you, internet, and Warren Ellis, for allowing me to have FREAKANGELS.


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