Thursday, September 3, 2009

He's Like A Chipmunk, With A Disease. Who Didn't Love That Analogy?

* Now I want a chipmunk with a disease. Or a child I can compare to one. Title is from Home Movies, a show I dearly miss.

* The reason I was so deliriously happy yesterday? Because Jackie Earle Haley himself called into the podcast I'm on, World Peace Through Jackie Earle Haley, and left an incredibly kind and enthusiastic message. Yes, Jackie Earle Haley. Rorschach himself. Do you understand how cool that is? I'm still thrilled about this. This made my month. I TOLD YOU September was an awesome month.

* Have you seen the teaser trailer for Alice In Wonderland?

1. It looks gorgeous.
2. Helena Bonham Carter's head fascinates me.
3. I really like the girl who plays Alice.
4. Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum look like the fat monster kid from A Nightmare Before Christmas, which pleases me.
3. Johnny Depp scares the SHIT out of me. He doesn't look ANYTHING like himself. It's terrifying. And I know a lot of people are sick of him and Tim Burton working together (although if I could get paid obscene amounts of money to work with my best friend, do you think I'd care?) but so far I've liked every movie they've done together, and this looks like it could be a real brain-bender. So Movie!Win.

* This is a link to a Watchmen/Transmetropolitan fanfiction. Sometimes there is nothing I can add. And don't worry: Spider and Rorschach do not fall for each other. That would split the universe like tissue paper. You'd have Alan Moore AND Warren Ellis mad at you. You'd spontaneously combust. Now I kind of want certain people to do this.

* I am sure this pisses off PETA to no end:

[Found at Neatorama]
That is a fly-powered aircraft. Yes, as in 'Help me, HELP ME!' flies. Of course, you have to catch the flies, and touch the flies, and then glue them to these things, all of which I will not be doing, EVER, because of someone calls and I have to say, 'Oh, I'm gluing flies to little airplanes,' I think I've crossed an invisible line that I cannot cross.

Girly Shit
* I'm sorry, I know I keep posting these shoes:

[Found at ShoeLust]
But I really, really want them, and they would look cute on me, yes? I'd wear them with my homemade Firefly shirt, and BLOW ALL YOUR MINDS.

* OK, I can't embed the Heath Ledger-directed music video for Modest Mouse's song King Rat, but you should totally click here and go watch it and NOT judge my techno-fail. It's quite incredible, and only serves to make me even MORE sad, because the man had a unique eye for such things, and a real visual perspective. Also, it's just sad. And I like this song. And this video.

* I am OBSESSED with this song. It's River Below by Billy Talent, and I can't stop listening to it:

I found it on a Sylar fanmix (SHUT UP, I have no ability to find new music without fanmixes) and I just really like it. I never quite got over the neo-punk movement I was part of in high school. I LIKED having blue hair and my entire wardrobe coming from Hot Topic. I wasn't original (I knew it even then) but at least I amused myself. Anyway, does this song qualify as punk? Or is there some newfangled term for it? I'm twenty-three, I'm old, YOU KIDS GET OFF MY LAWN.

* I am alarmed by how many people I know would buy this, screaming with pure unadulterated joy:

[Found at CrunchGear]
It's a Hello Kitty laptop, and it cost $1,350.00. It does nothing a regular computer couldn't do. Yes, I know I want a Rorschach cover for my laptop, but my laptop is disgusting and an Apple. I am not buying a WHOLE computer just because it has an inkblot on it..... Do they have those? Watchmen laptops? Do they? I wouldn't buy it. I'm just asking. For a friend. Who isn't me. Why does a goddamn cartoon cat with NO MOUTH get a computer, while a fascinating vigilante gets NOTHING?
I think my point went away. Moving on.

* Here's the deal: I am going to keep posting links so you all go vote at the Scream Awards for Watchmen, Rorschach, and Jackie Earle Haley. And you will vote. And everyone will be happy, OK? You may vote for whatever you want in categories NOT related to Watchmen. Except Twilight. God help you if I find out you voted for Twilight.

* I am not telling you how many times I watched this, and laughed hysterically:

And frankly, I think you're happier NOT knowing.

Daily Hot Guy

[Bruce Campbell. He needs no other introduction.]

* So many people freaked out when Disney bought Marvel. My response? 'Hurm, interesting.' Then I ate more bacon, as I am wont to do in the morning. Here is the least hysterical article I've found on the merger. And it sees POSITIVES, like a potential Marvel/Pixar crossover of JOY. It doesn't mention my deep-held hope that Gargoyles will return, and be awesome once again, but maybe Disney and Marvel (Misney? Darvel?) are waiting to surprise us all. See? I can be positive.

Tattoo Of Win
* I think George Carlin was great, and was very sad when he passed away:

[Found at LOLTATZ]
But I'm not sure THIS is how he wanted to be remembered. Anyway, he didn't much like tattoos. Help the police too much, and all.

Russell Brand

I LOVE THIS MAN. His hair is a nest of madness, and I would live in it. Come on, this is pretty funny. And when did he start getting tattoos? Because DAMN. And I am very happy Britney Spears looks healthy and sane(r) again, because as I keep saying that could have ended tragically, and while her music appeals to me not at all, I wish the girl no ill.
See? I can be nice.

Words Of Win

[Found at FrigginRandom]

OK, I have to go to work early today, and I am tired, BUT STILL IN A GOOD MOOD. Which means, I don't know, the third horseman of the apocalypse just showed up wearing a sombrero and jodhpurs.

Last night I posted images of the T-Shirts I've been working on. Click here to see them. Next is going to be the Hunter S. Thompson one, if I can decide on the right colors. I have so many more shirts to make. Mayhap I can make some cash, until I get sued?
Also, the blog entry I'm linking to tells you how YOU, yes YOU could win a goddamn free hand-made T-shirt of badassery made by me. Plus if Jackie Earle Haley is listening to the podcast, what POSSIBLE excuse do you have?
- LV


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