Wednesday, September 2, 2009

I'm Very Discreet... But I'll Haunt Your Dreams..

* I say this in entirely inappropriate situations. Title is from The 40-Year-Old-Virgin.

* I made more T-Shirts, because today was the best day ever. If you're following me on Twitter, you've already seen these, but you can see them more than once, right?
This is one side of my Watchmen tote. It reads, 'The Squid Is A Lie,' an idea I totally stole from AdrianJohnson, with Rorschch's signature underneath:

On the other side is a 'pretty butterfly':

This is the front of my Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog T-Shirt. It reads, 'I Want To Be Like Bad Horse.' It's hard to read because I'm wearing it:

The back reads, Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog, but it is actually impossible to take a picture of your own back.

This is the front of my Firefly shirt. It reads 'Browncoat':

This is the back. It reads, 'I Aim To Misbehave':

This is the front of my Doctor Who shirt. It reads 'Team Gallifrey':

This is the back, with a picture of the TARDIS:

AND, if you like these shirts, and want your own, you can GET ONE, made by me. All you have to do is enter the AWESOME contest at World Peace Through Jackie Earle Haley. AND not only will you get a T-SHIRT, made for you, you will also get an icon made by Caro, AND fanart made by DancesWithElvis. HOW amazing would that be?

And what do you have to do to get all these treasures? Bitch about Shutter Island being pushed back! We want you to write a brief (70 word) Rorschach's Journal entry about Who Runs Paramount? It's a conspiracy, I TELLS YOU! So go enter the contest, and WIN SHIT. It's what Rorschach would do. Hurm.
- LV


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