Friday, September 25, 2009

Did He Just Go Crazy & Fall Asleep?

* Actually... Yes. Yes he did. Title is from Firefly. I miss that show. A lot.

* I love the expression of dawning dismay on the kids' face:

[Drawn by Erin]
It's like the 'treasure' he was told about was really just the corpse of his puppy Mom and Dad told him was sent to a farm.

Freakangels Friday
* And it is the Fifth Day of the week (I do not subscribe to that madness where Sunday is the start of the week) and Warren Ellis said, 'Let there be Freakangels, you filthy sinning fucks,' and there WAS. But I am worried, because the title of the Email he sent alerting his minions of this new edition was called 'Explodo,' and what if KARL EXPLODES?! I HAVE HAD A ROUGH WEEK. KARL CANNOT EXPLODE. I will read it after I complete this entry of bloggery. Spoilers beneath my signature. Warren Ellis Put His Disease In Me. I WILL make this shirt, at some point. Mark my words.

Epic Fail
* Where was I when it became socially acceptable to pee outdoors, in public, in daylight?

[Found at Incredible Things]
It isn't. It is never OK to urinate outdoors, in public, in DAYLIGHT, in front of strangers. I don't care if that makes me old fashioned. I do not want to have to walk down the street knowing there is a very good chance that I will see a stranger relieving himself on a plastic tree.

Really, I'd rather have the male population peeing in alleys. I'm used to that. It's what happens in New York, especially late at night on weekends. That doesn't bug me (except when one drunk guy peed down my stairs - I lived in a basement apartment behind a gate - and I yelled at him to stop and he DIDN'T, and I had to clean out the hallway to my apartment. I'm still cross about that). My issue is that these plastic trees make it acceptable. That makes it OK. And I have been in countries where they have outdoor urinals, and those don't bug me either. Because they aren't shaped like trees.

I reread that, and my argument pretty much collapses because I'm contradicting myself. So to sum up, I don't want strangers to pee outdoors, but if they have to, can they not pee on plastic white trees? Thanks.

* I love strange new words. Which is funny, since my vocabulary has essentially become made up of the words 'totally,' 'awesome,' 'inappropriate,' and 'also.' I blame the government. But my friend Kevin, who is scary smart and writes this amazing blog about politics, always knows nifty new words. And he found this great site of $10 words. This is like word porn for me. And frankly, your puerile comments fill me with repugnance and I repudiate you and everything you venerate.

See? I can still use at least $5 words, if I try. I'm just lazy.

* I really don't like Dan Brown. He's not a good writer. Of course, who the hell am I? Look at him, and his success. I'm sure he doesn't care. But he sucks, and his books suck, and the movies made from his books suck, and he is a black hole of suck. If he and Stephenie Meyers ever wrote a book together, I'd never stop throwing up.

Brown is bad enough on his own. Here is a list of the twenty worst lines from Dan Brown's books. Normally I don't like to trash authors (bad karma, even though I don't really believe in it, but still it's not nice) but he's rich and famous, and I am neither, and I don't think he'd care. Here's my 'favorite' line from any of his books:
17. Deception Point, chapter 8: Overhanging her precarious body was a jaundiced face whose skin resembled a sheet of parchment paper punctured by two emotionless eyes.

If you need me, I'll be crying in the corner. How can a body be precarious? And I've never seen parchment paper punctured by eyes, emotionless or otherwise. Then again, minor alliteration win?

* American Girl Dolls have changed a LOT since I was a girl. I had Samantha (we both had brown hair), Felicity, and Kirsten. I had to get rid of Felicity after my friends and I watched Child's Play and I became convinced that red-headed dolls were going to stab me to death in my sleep, and my younger cousin now has my dolls, and loves them.

But now they have homeless American Girl dolls?

[Found at Jezebel]
This is Gwen, a homeless American Girl doll (or, as the article is quick to point out, a FRIEND of an American Girl). She's very well-dressed. And she costs $95.00. Now, aren't you supposed to have dolls that girls can identify with, on some level? Because I don't know many homeless kids who can afford dolls that cost more than a night out. That's EXPENSIVE SHIT RIGHT THERE.

And, because I'm a horrible person, after reading the whole article, all I could think was, 'Holy shit, they discontinued Samantha?'
Today is a sad day.

Daily Hot Guy
* And now it's not a sad day:

[Tim Roth, who I had a crush on in Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction (even if in one he was spurting blood, which is alarming for children) and who was one of two reasons I sat through The Incredible Hulk (the other being Edward Norton) and he's sexy and dangerous on Lie To Me. This is all Megan's fault. I had forgotten how much I like Tim Roth. And I still want him to play Snape.]

* So if it hadn't been Ianto who we lost to the cruelty of RATINGS, or some other hideous monster, it would have been Rhys who died?

I have no problem at all with that. And I like Rhys a lot. But can we trade him for Ianto? Can we make that happen? This interview is supposed to be funny and light, and it just makes me sad all over. I am going to hate Gwen by the next season. I'm sure of it. Because of facts like these.

Inglourious Basterds
* Quentin Tarantino is an awesome everything. Stop your snickering. I love him, and if you can't understand that, it's your loss. He's an especially awesome film critic (say what you will about his movies, I discovered a lot of great, obscure films because he mentioned them. Watch his introduction to to McCabe & Mrs. Miller here:

There are more of his introductions/reviews here, and I love them all, and I love him, and leave me alone. I have weird taste, and I am FINE with that.

* Dollhouse premieres tonight! I am EXCITED. BEYOND WORDS. No, do you know how long it's been since I've had a Joss Whedon show renewed? Let's not talk about Firefly. It brings the the tears and HATRED. But yes, Dollhouse is back, which means the return of Topher and Alpha Wash, and this season Alexis Denisoff is going to be on the show, and Ray Wise (and Summer Glau, you drooling fanboys) and it will be great because the second half of the first season was GENIUS. Every episode starting with 'Man On The Street.'

* Here are some spoilers for season 2. I have not read them, because I have remained pure and spoiler-free.

People I Love
* This made me spray coffee all over my computer, International Society of Supervillains:
What happens if you dont eat anything for 2 days?
I don't know, Janet. No one has ever done it before in all of documented history.

But if I had to guess, I would say it's one of two things: 1) Your stomach will begin to glow with a magic that will make you into some sort of all-powerful demigoddess or 2) You will wither into a pile of dust.

Either way, it'll be sweet. Do it.
Read the rest of the Email here. Then send me money for a new computer. This one smells like burning.

* I like Rachel Maddow. She is cool and smart, and her glasses are sweet. So why she got to be hating on my home state?

Oh. That's why. That.... that's a good reason. Yes. Yes, of course. What's with all the Anti-Christ fixation lately? I can't have this conversation. The coffee just kicked in. It could be violent.

* Dude, I don't remember this scene from Star Wars:

[Found at Unique Daily]
But I really want to know where they got that furry couch.

Stuff To Live
* Bulletproof and fashionable clothing?

[Found at Like Cool]
I am going to be rocking the zombie apocalypse. Get me a pair of knee-high boots and some tight jeans, and I will be BADASS. You all think I'm kidding, but I would buy this stuff if I had the money. Even if the zombie apocalypse never happens (HA!) I just want to walk around knowing my jacket is bullet-proof. Come ON. That would be SWEET.

Right. I am still sick (but recovering!) and I have no work today, so I am going to lie down and watch TV and recover from this terrible illness of mine, and read FREAKANGELS, finally. Spoilers below my signature.
- LV

* Sigh. More set-up. Don't get me wrong, is awesome. Not complaining. Not really. A little. DON'T YELL AT ME, MR. ELLIS. But I love the rain. I think it's gorgeous. Luke is a bastard. And my first though when KK's plane got hit was, 'DON'T CRASH INTO KARL.' Are Karl and Arkady in love? Some sort of love? That would be cute. Their children would talk to plants, then use their powers to move the plants WITH THEIR MINDS. I should totally be involved in the writing of this comic. PLANT LOVE; KARL AND ARKADY.


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