Sunday, September 13, 2009

Inside Every Old Person Is A Young Person Wondering What Happened.

* Which is why I will never get old. I do not need people inside me questioning my beliefs. Title is from Moving Pictures by Terry Pratchett.

Moment Of Win
fail owned pwned pictures
see more Fail Blog

Depression Session
* Good Sunday to you all! It is sunny and lovely in New Jersey! My hair is finally the shade of red I have desired (thank you, Manic Panic, although you may stain every pillow I own in the process of making my hair lovely)!
Oh, and Tavern on the Green, New York's historic food place and fancy location of hobnobbery and the elite (think the parents of Gossip Girl. Or grandparents) has filed for bankruptcy! Thus the Old Institutions fall, and we are bereft of our oldest and most sacred totems, and our iconography falls to dust.
I ate brunch there when I was little. I don't recall, but my mother assures me I enjoyed it immensely. I have no memory of this, so I will be sad retroactively.

* Well, Twitter has now been ruined for me. Danny DeVito is on Twitter, and he did not bring his clothing:

[Found at FrigginRandom]
This has stolen my sunny disposition.

Apocalypse How?
* Airports. It's always, always airports.

Daily Hot Guy

[Ryan Reynolds, who I only liked in Blade: Trinity and had BETTER not screw up Deadpool, otherwise retribution will be SWIFT and MERCILESS. His arms are quite wonderful, are they not?]

Russell Brand
* I know there are those of you out there who do not understand my love for Russell Brand. I pity you. But I am in a good mood today, so I am feeling generous. Click this link, and watch Mr. Brand on The View, (a show I normally despise, save for Whoopi Goldberg and her awesome) and you will understand absolutely everything about why I love him so deeply.
Total non sequitur, but Meghan McCain doesn't irritate me NEARLY as much as Elizabeth Hasselbeck. In fact, she doesn't annoy me at all. So good on her!
Then again, who could annoy me in the robust and masculine presence of Mr. Brand? Do Want.

* There is Twilight porn now:

I don't think I need to add anything else to this, do I?

* Speaking of vampires, and things undead, here's an article about vampires and why they are suddenly so popular. It features Count Chocula AND The Count from Sesame Street. These things make me very happy.

* Here's an interview with Lea Michele from Glee. She plays Rachel, and I want to be best friends with her (Lea, not Rachel. Rachel rather terrifies me). Because she seems cool and nice and watched Election a bunch of times, and I wish I could sing REMOTELY as well as she does, and also because I love Glee so hard.

Hunter S. Thompson
* Just to be clear:
- Yes I know that GonzoFest took place yesterday in Maryland at the Flying Dog Brewery.
- Yes, I am aware that I love their beer, and drink it, and in fact had my first bottle to celebrate getting my first tattoo.
- I know they had live music.
- Yes, I know they also had chili. AMAZING chili.
However, since I cannot GO to Maryland for beer and chili and live music and FUN, I have simply decided to ignore this event, and try to continue on with my life as best I can.

* Van Jones (haha, I just typed Ban Kones, which is a much cooler name) was hired by Obama, and then left, for reasons I don't care about, except he was either A) A 9/11 Truther, or B) An idiot who failed to read the papers to which he signed his name. And now my dad is all up in arms about this. I don't especially care, except it annoys my father that Mr. Jones is no longer in power, so I will mention it as often as I can.

* Haha, Nancy Pelosi is so mad at Joe Wilson and she is going to feast on his liver and wear his head as a very fetching hat:

Oh, Joe Wilson, you are doomed, and Ms. Pelosi is scary.

Star Trek
* While nowhere near as cool as the Doctor Who-inspired coffin, this Star Trek coffin is a pretty impressive way to go out with style:

[Found at ONTD_StarTrek]
And just to reiterate, I expect my loved ones to mail my corpse to someone I don't like, or reanimate me as a zombie. Whichever is easier.

* I was linked to this by jpadamson on Twitter. My first thought: 'Holy Shit, DO NEED.':

I want this bag, so badly, even though it would obviously require money. And while I don't NEED it, and could most likely make my own version, without any real issues, I don't CARE. I want that one and now. So give it to me. Before the zombies come.

* This is macaroni and cheese:

[Found at Most-Expensive]
Read This:
The macaroni and cheese is Chef Josiah’s fresh tagliatelle covered with a hefty portion of white truffle, brown butter truffle froth and grated parmesan cheese.

This dish costs $95.00. That is decadent and ridiculous. And don't believe for a second that I wouldn't eat that, if I could find someone else to pay for it. Or do bloggers get free macaroni and cheese? Isn't that a law, in California? Whatever. It looks delicious. I will eat that like WOAH.

Enough for now. I will post pictures of my fabulous red hair and pet hamster later. Maybe I'll get a RED hamster. OR DID I JUST BLOW YOUR MIND IKNOWRITE?!
- LV


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