Friday, September 11, 2009

Why Are You Still Talking?!

* I'm always talking. That's what I do. Title is from Pushing Daisies, which had a shorter run than Renegade. I don't want to talk about it.

* I'm going to try something new for this category. Instead of just telling you the Quote Of The Day, I'm also going to point out the blogs of the girls on the podcast with me, World Peace Through Jackie Earle Haley, and why you should be reading them. And then you will, because I am wise in the ways of the internet.

* Theresa gives an amazing run-down of Deadpool, beginning her series where she looks at comics you should be reading, and analyzes them, and makes me want more comics, which is already a problem.
And how many superheroes have exchanges like this:
Sabretooth: Scream for me.
Deadpool: Okay how about this: OMG FOR THE LOVE OF GOD DONT KILL ME PLEASSSE!!
Sabretooth: Quiet!
Deadpool: I can say it with a girly tone if you want.
Not enough.

* Erin is a wonderful artist, and her sketch blog amuses me on a daily basis. This is one of my favorites:

It's funny because it's true. Plus, she's on the only other podcast you need to listen to, besides WPTJEH, New York Geekcast.

* Megan loves history and Transmetropolitan and David Tennant and Jackie Earle Haley and Dog Soldiers. I also suspect her to be a ninja-pirate. Of WIN.

* Caro, the high priestess behind WPTJEH and JEHFans, also shares my opinions on romantic comedies, namely that being all twee and cute in now ways excuses you from a plot. Plus, Jeffrey Dean Morgan makes everything better.

* Michelle, who is a BAMF, teaches you how to respond to art in a non-douchey way. You apparently need this lesson, because some of the comments out there are APPALLING. And we're all very ashamed of you. She's also a great artist in her own right, so she knows what she's talking about.

Freakangels Friday
* I am going to wear my FREAKANGELS shirt today, because A) it's Friday, B) There's a new issue up, C) I haven't worn it yet, and D) If Karl dies in today's issue, I will seem psychic, and maybe be able to scam people out of money like Madam Cleo. What happened to Madan Cleo? She scared me. Anyway, go read it, because it's raining in Whitechapel, and I wish I lived in a steampunk post-cyberpunk world. I wouldn't last long, but I'd be entertained during the time I lasted.

As every week, I will read this issue of FREAKANGELS after I post this blog entry, and spoilers will be below my signature.

Hunter S. Thompson
* Do you think Dr. Thompson ever got tired of answering the same stupid questions? I do. Because I am his imaginary widow, and when reading Ancient Gonzo Wisdom, I got the impression that he was not into some of these interviews. But it's a great read, as this review says, and if you read one interview a day, you get the glorious Doctor every day for ages. Read all in one shot, it starts to get tiresome, and you really wish Dr. Thompson had owned a bowel disruptor. Not because of him, but because the interviewers tend to cover the same ground. Which annoys me. My interview with him would have been vastly different. Nobody else would have asked him about Watchmen, or philosophy, or Southern cooking. Would they?

* How do you get a book to be a pre-selling phenomenon? A) Be famous, B) Go on Oprah and tearfully confess to some hideous sins, or C) Die. This is in no way an attempt to disrespect the late Ted Kennedy's book, I'm just pointing something out. I want to read it. I'm interested in what he has to say. But really, if he hadn't been famous and now dead, I don't think his book would have made as big a splash. I'm still waiting for Mark Sandford's book. That shit is going to be STEAMY.

* On second thought, screw Mark Sandford. Not literally. OH GOD not literally. No, he too has fallen away as my favorite Wingnut. Right now it's that Canadian politician who ATE A SEAL HEART, RAW, and Mike Duvall. Mike Duvall is the dude who related, in excruciating detail, his fap-directory, in front of a microphone AND a video camera. The man likes spanking. This is not quite as bad as Dave Vitter wearing diapers, but Mr. Duvall gets extra points for A) being recorded B) using the phrase 'making love' to describe his fucking, and C) denying that saying his fornicating with a lobbyist and another lady qualifies as 'cheating.' Well played, sir.

* No matter how good a zombie fighter you are, you will end up as a zombie. Or commit suicide in a dramatic and over-the-top fashion, usually by explosion. It's something we all have to accept. Zombies will, ultimately, win. Laws of nature. So to prepare for this, I have zombie-fied myself:

At least I'll be a kick-ass zombie.

* I know I like weird food combinations. I'm infamous for it among my friends, who have told me repeatedly not to eat mayonnaise and dark chocolate in their presence. Shut up, it's delicious. But this, to me, is disgusting, and I do not wish to partake of it, if that's all right with you guys:

[Found at TheWorldsBestEver]
Now, if it was a buttermilk pancake, I'd probably be on board. Like I said, weird food? I'm in. But that pancake is chocolate chip, and this is just gross. Even I have limits. It's a chocolate chip pancake wrapped around a sausage. Which you then microwave. That's horrifying. Although if you're drunk/stoned, it's probably the greatest taste sensation ever.

Daily Hot Guy

[Neil Patrick Harris, AKA Doogie Howser, AKA NPH, AKA Billy Buddy, AKA Dr. Horrible, on a unicorn. This picture is taken from real life, you know. He has a unicorn. The only one in existence. Because he's freaking NPH. I'm making a 'What Would NPH Do?' shirt, I decided just this second. Because, really, what WOULD he do? That's how you should live your life.

* I liked Joe Hill before any of you did. I did, totally. SERIOUSLY. He was my friend on LibraryThing, and he even commented when I posted a review of the advanced copy of Heart-Shaped Box, which scared the crap out of me. I love Joe Hill. He's a brilliant writer, and now he's doing comics, and FINALLY, another novel is coming out:

[Found at JoeHillFiction]
I'm going to pre-order it, and read it, and no doubt love it. Because that's the kind of dude Joe Hill is.

Doctor Who
* I do not care about the new Doctor Who animated series, Dreamland. I apologize if I've let anyone down, or the fandom down in general. But the animation reminds me of Jimmy Neutron, Boy Genius, and I do not want a connection between Doctor Who and Nickelodeon, if I can help it.

Just saying.

Inglourious Basterds
* Quentin Tarantino has released the list of songs he listened to while making the movie from which this category gets its name. I'm a little nonplussed. Dylan? Awesome. Bowie? Fabulous. But while everyone else is alarmed by his selection of a Britney Spears song, I'm more freaked out by Barbara Streisand.
Quentin? We need to have a little chat.
Not that I'm going to download all these songs to my iTunes, to see if I can mayhap understand the logic behind these choices.
Perish the thought.

* Here's a profile of Joss Whedon. Who I should hate, logically speaking, because he kills all my favorite characters and frightens me and makes me cry, and gets me insanely obsessed with TV shows, which then results in my parents wondering if this is normal behavior for a twenty-three year-old (it is). But I don't, because he is funny, and brilliant, and he makes great work consistently, and he CARES about his fans and even encourages people to read fan-fiction, and there is not a single thing he's done that I dislike (cue someone sending some obscure thing of his that I'll hate), and he loves his characters.
When he's asked why a character died, or suffered, he explains in excruciating detail. This isn't an arbitrary, 'Well, someone has to die' situation. He thinks about it. So even when I'm a sobbing, demented wreck because he ended the life of ANOTHER character I love, I know it isn't a decision he made lightly, or just for ratings, or just to FUCK WITH THE FANS. Not that I'm talking about anyone Russell T. Davies or anything.
Team Whedon: Everything we do is genius.

People I Love
* R. Crumb is a brilliant, sick man who frightens me as often as he impresses me.
But he puts 78 records in the oven, and for that alone he belongs in this category:

[Found at BoingBoing]

Stuff To Live
* Can you imagine having this in a college dorm?

[Found at LikeCool]
Of course, I went to a liberal arts college, so some asshole would have turned it into 'art' by smearing it with paint, and I would have been PISSED as hell. Because ping pong and beer pong are fun, and essential to surviving college.

* Sigh. I used to be a huge X-Phile. Like, to the point where I STILL remember Mulder's full name, and insisted to my mother I was going to name my firstborn son 'Fox Spock,' (it coincided with a return to Star Trek: The Original Series), and I ate sunflower seeds and read the episode breakdowns, and all that shameful stuff, which my boyfriend at the time viewed with a degree of amusement that covered up the fact that he was a 'punk rock drummer' whose girlfriend was more interested in alien abductions than the usual rock star shenanigans.
But I digress. The point is, not a single one of the X-File movies has been good, and why the HELL would you make a third, and can't you just leave the series alone?!

Long blog post. I may go back to bed. As every Friday, spoilers for this weeks' FREAKANGELS below my signature.
- LV
Kirk is an idiot. This will not end well for Luke. Death for everyone, except Karl, who I MISS. But he didn't die, so my FREAKANGELS shirt won't be soaked with tears.
This was probably the most predictable entry yet, but I'm willing to let it slide, because the art is so gorgeous. Yes, I am generous and magnanimous.


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