Thursday, April 23, 2009

Alan Moore Can Smell Sounds & Hear Odors.

Watchmen Quotes: Comedian Quotes
Note: I always love the Comedian. He's such a complete bastard, but he's fun and complicated, and seems human. He reminds me of Rorschach, in a way - they both try so hard not to care about humanity, about people and life (albeit one completely denies it and one embraces only the ugly parts). Anyway, he's funny and twisted, and was unnervingly sexy in the movie, which I had a problem with. I am NOT supposed to be attracted to a crazed raping S.O.B. But that's part of the Comedian's charm - you find yourself liking him, and DESPISING yourself for doing so.

* Once you realize what a joke everything is, being the Comedian is the only thing that makes sense.

* Yeah. Yeah, that's right. Pregnant woman. Gunned her down. Bang. And y'know what? You watched me. You coulda changed the gun into steam or the bullets into mercury or the bottle into snowflakes! You coulda teleported either of us to goddamn Australia...but you didn't lift a finger! You don't really give a damn about human beings. I've watched you. You never cared about whatsername, Janey Slater, even before you ditched her. Soon you won't be interested in Sally Jupiter's little girl, either. You're driftin' outta touch, Doc. You're turnin' into a flake. God help us all.

* You people are a joke. You hear Moloch's back in town, you think "Oh, boy! Let's gang up and bust him!" You think that matters? You think that solves anything?

* It don't matter squat because inside thirty years the nukes are gonna be flyin' like maybugs...and then Ozzy here is gonna be the smartest man on the cinder. Now, pardon me, but I got an appointment. See you in the funny papers.

* Listen, you little punks, you better get back in your rat holes! I got riot gas, I got rubber bullets...

* Hey... I never said it was a good joke! I'm just playing along with the gag...

* Just a matter of time, I suppose.

* "What happened to the American Dream?" It came true! You're lookin' at it...

* Mother forgive me.

* Veidt: It doesn't take a genius to see the world has problems.
Blake: No, but it takes a room full of morons to think they're small enough for you to handle.

* God damn I love working on American soil, Dan. Ain't had this much fun since Woodward and Bernstein. Congress is pushing through some new bill that's gonna outlaw masks. Our days are numbered. Till then it's like you always say, we're society's only protection.

I will never stop laughing over the Woodward and Bernstein line, because it's such a great throwaway joke, and it makes me happy. Not that he killed two of the most important investigative journalists of our time - that came out wrong. OK. Here are Comedian images, Comedian macros, and general nutty Comedian humor. Special thanks to Mandy W for sharing a bunch of these from her own Comedian file!
As always, I made none of these. None. If you see your work and want credit, please tell me.

This bunch looks tiny, but if you CLICK they will enbiggen and be readable. Please do so now.

The following were made by dodger_winslow, who's kind of a genius:

I don't know who made these, but they are also very talented, and clearly insane in the best sense of the word.

Well, my fandom is sick in the head. And I wouldn't want it any other way. Huzzah for crazed power-hungry woman-abusing laugh-riots!

Tomorrow was going to be Silk Spectre II, but I kind of have too much Rorschach stuff, and very little Laurie stuff, because no one likes Laurie. Nor should they. But if anyone has any good Laurie images, please send them to me, because I have NOTHING on this girl. So tomorrow will be Rorschach part I, then Saturday will be Laurie (and possibly the Minutemen, because I can find JACK to post about Laurie), Sunday will be Rorschach part II, and I'll need to think up a reason to keep talking about this stuff for Monday.

Dear Comedian: You made 'Boogie Man' a sexy song, and THAT is unforgivable. Love,
- LV


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