Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Alan Moore Can Taste Lies.

Watchmen Quotes: Nite Owl II Quotes

Note: I love Dan Dreiberg. Not with the crazy, white-hot, baby-eating, 'OMG BREAK MY FINGERS AND BURP BEANS ON ME' love of Rorschach, but as a sort of affectionate big brother way. I am also, as you might know if you read this blog, OBSESSED with the scene where Dan goes and cries naked in the basement after failing to get his 'Hallelujah' on with Laurie, because he is NAKED in his Fortress of Fail, WEEPING. It's FUNNY, mainly because I like to imagine he does that whenever anything bad happens. 'Rorschach, you ate all my beans?!' 'Daniel... in basement again? Ah, Rorschach and Daniel - the homicidal, psychologically unbalanced Odd Couple.

* Y'know, this must be how ordinary people feel. This must be how ordinary people feel around us.

* Hell, I guess I must look pretty Devo, right?

* Who the hell do you think you are? You live off people while insulting them, nobody complains because they think you're a goddamned lunatic... Do you know how hard it is being your friend?

* Laurie: Hey, you remember that guy? The one who pretended to be a supervillain so he could get beaten up?
Dan: Oh, You mean Captain Carnage. Ha ha ha! He was one for the books.
Laurie: You're telling me! I remember, I caught him coming out of this jeweller's. I didn't know what his racket was. I start hitting him and I think "Jeez! He's breathing funny! Does he have asthma?
Dan: Ha Ha Ha. He tried that with me, only I'd heard about him, so I just walked away. He follows me down the street… broad daylight, right? He's saying "PUNISH me!" I'm saying "No! Get lost!"
Laurie: Ha Ha Ha. What ever happened to him?
Dan: Well, he pulled it on Rorschach, and Rorschach dropped him down an elevator shaft.

* Dan: Watchmen are over.
Rorschach: Says Tricky Dick.
Dan: Says me.

* No! You haven't idealized mankind but you've... you've deformed it! You mutilated it. That's your legacy. That's the real practical joke.

* Dan: So I've been thinking, I feel we have an obligation to our fraternity... I think we oughta spring Rorshach.
Laurie: What?
Dan: Someone set him up. This whole cancer thing with Jon, it just doesn't make sense. You didn't get it.
Laurie: Yeah, but breaking into a maximum security prison is a lot different than putting out a fire.
Dan: Yeah, you're right... it'll be more fun.

* Rorschach: How's your friend Hollis Mason?
Dan: What's Hollis got to do with any of this?
Rorschach: He wrote that book. Said some things about the Comedian in it.
Dan: I don't like what you're implying. I like being followed even less.

I have a sinking feeling that except for Osterman and Rorschach, my quotes sections will be tiny indeed. Oh, well. Luckily, the interweb is FILLED will Nite Owl pictures, Nite Owl macros, and Nite Owl GOODNESS. So, rejoice, ye gentle lovers of the tubby bird with the scooter, all is well:

[Found at SomethingAwful]

[Found at SomethingAwful]

This is so freaking cute! But... who's afraid of a big, fluffy white owl? I want to SNUGGLE the vengeance away!

[Made by SweetLittleKitty]


Per usual, I am responsible for NONE of this wonder. I just copy and paste. If you made something and want credit, please tell me and I will happily comply.

Yes, there are a lot of penis jokes. I'm cool with that. Yes, there are a lot of Rorschach references. Believe me, Internet, I could have done a whole freaking MONTH of Rorschach/Nite Owl Porn. But this is for funny, NOT porn. This isn't that kind of blog.

Next up? Doctor Manhattan quotes/images/goodness. I promise to try and keep the Big Blue Peen jokes to a minimum, but I can only work with what the internet offers. And mostly, that's Big Blue Peen.
- LV


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