Thursday, April 23, 2009

Alan Moore Once Lost The Remote But Maintained Control Of The TV By Yelling At It In Between Bites Of His Filet Of Child Sandwich.

* Glenn Beck is on my list of People I Love Because They Are Entertainingly Mad. Why do so many crazy people compare themselves to Martin Luther King, Jr.? There is clearly a Crazy Persons Pamphlet floating around out there. It must be mine.

* The Daily Show makes torture funny. Or at least the insane assholes who try to justify it. Do these people hear themselves when they talk, or is it like putting your ear to a conch shell? Also, Jon Stewart made Nacy Pelosi cry. This is TRUE.

* Sean Hannity says he'll be waterboarded, for charity. This is actually too insane and bizarre to make any jokes about.

* Today at the comic store I bought the first issue of Neil Gaiman's Batman, Sandman Volume 6, and Freakangels Volume 1. I WANTED to buy the newest issue of The Boys, but it was sold out, because life is Cruel.

* This has nothing do with anything, really, but it made me laugh:

* A Walking Dead interview (with the writer, not the actual zombies, as that would be difficult to conduct), and this was ANOTHER comic that was sold out at my local comic shop (if by local you mean twenty-five minute drive through the bowels of Jersey).

* See, if you own this, you shouldn't be allowed to have children:

[Found at Amazon]
Can you imagine being the new kid at school, nervous and insecure and desperate to fit in, and your mom drops you off in the morning wearing THAT? You might as well wear a shirt that says, "I Hope I Gave Birth To Norman Bates."

* Best Plot Summaries, Ever. A few favorites:
- WATCHMEN: Homosexual destroys New York, blames God.
- V FOR VENDETTA: Dystopian government overthrown by faceless conformity.
- TORCHWOOD: Bisexual is inefficient manager.
- SPIDER-MAN: Nerd gets bitten by spider, complains about how this ruins his life for years to come.
-SE7EN: Homicide detectives unable to prevent even a single murder by admitted serial killer, killer gives cop head.
Read them all. They are pure goodness.

* More Inglourious Basterds footage! Seriously, the spelling of this movie will make me blow a gasket before it even comes out. Then I'll be all dead and unable to see the movie, and it will be all Quentin Tarantino's fault. On a sane note, the clips are really good.

* Does anyone really want to see Mel Gibson in another movie, ever again? The Passion of The Christ was a snuff film (when I saw it in theaters the lady in front of me ralphed in her bucket of popcorn. It was the most fun I had in the movie), I hated Braveheart (and its sequel Gladiator)(I know it wasn't really a sequel. It was a remake with incest and Romans), he's racist, he cheats on his wife with who he has seven kids, he's not fun at ALL, and I just don't care anymore. He will never be lovable Riggs in Lethal Weapon again, and that is very sad. But we all need to move on. Him especially.

* Just.... no. OK, I didn't hate Constantine on its own, mainly because it made no sense and I totally adore watching Keanu Reeves try to act (it's funny!) and Tilda Swinton is a creature from a world not our own. But if you compare it to the comics, it is the biggest shit sandwich ever. It has almost no relation to the comics. And the comics are so orgasmically good that there's really no excuse for that. But I digress. Once is funny, and sort of amusing, and a good movie to watch with a bunch of drunk friends. Twice is criminal, and you will have not only Alan Moore (yes, he created John Constantine too. I TOLD you he's a wizard) on your sorry ass, but also Warren Ellis. And when their forces combine... I can't even imagine. But I imagine there would be screaming and creative cursing and literary allusions and strange drugs and extreme violence.
On second thought, make the movie.

* How long before this inflatable shower curtain kills someone?

[Found at DVICE]
I'm totally serious. The shower curtain inflates while you bathe, and is apparently quite painful if you stay in too long. How long before some lazy bastard is all, 'Screw you inflatable shower curtain, I'll stay in the shower as long as I damn well please, and use ALL the water and GUUEAGH' smooshed by the inflatable shower curtain of death.

* I honestly, all joking aside, screamed like a wee little girl when I saw the image below. Screamed out loud.

[Found at WorldOfWonder]
It apparently has something to do with Klaus Kinski. I do not care. I am scared. Terrified. I will now be unable to sleep all night, imagining that thing staring at me with its cold dead eyes while the Shower Curtain crushes the life from me. And that thing will be wearing the Twilight shirt.

Crying on the inside,
- LV


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