Monday, April 13, 2009

When Alan Moore Goes Out To Eat, He Orders A Whole Chicken. But He Only Eats Its Soul.

Two blog posts in one day! Why, whatever could be the occasion? Answer: I don't know, lots of interesting stuff going on in the world, and it beats studying for the LSATs, cataloguing books I have to sell, for monies, (which is also very sad, as I love my books dearly, but apparently love freedom from living at home and not owning a car more) or researching cars that will fit in my budget yet not kill me or others (there are few).

* I am not remotely excited about Halloween 2. Because I remember Halloween, the original, and how terrifying and wonderful it was, and then I remember the hideous remake starring Rob Zombie's Wife's Butt, and then I black out from rage. And while Michael Myers does indeed look scary as hell in this picture, I still have my doubts. A lot of them. Huge, squirming doubts of doom. Also, I am saddened by how many people really liked the first remake, because either A) everyone got something that I totally missed, or B) everyone is an idiot but me. And both these options make me feel lonely.
Edit: Hm. The image is gone. Well, here's a link to the Offical Website of Michael Myers, which is HILARIOUS solely because it ACTUALLY uses the tagline, "He was dead... but he got better." I challenge ANYONE who saw Monty Python & The Holy Grail to read that line and NOT hear John Cleese saying it. Try.

* Michael Sheen, we need to talk. You are a good actor. You are an Actor. You have been in so many amazing movies, and should have gotten far more attention for your role in Frost/Nixon, and also you are quite sexy when you aren't playing David Frost. So why are you doing this to me? Is it for the money? Is it because you really, really liked doing the Underworld movie, and you think this is the same sort of thing, only suckier and with less leather? Well, you're right about that. I don't doubt your career will survive this awful venture - Twilight cannot hurt you, because you are talented and British and don't seem to give a shit - but all the same, I am gravely disappointed. And I'm still not seeing the movie, so THERE.

* Are Russell Crowe and Ridley Scott in love? Because they've made four movies together already, none of which I've particularly liked (and I fucking loathed Gladiator. It was stupid.), and Russell Crowe is skeevy in the not-hot way, and I want Ridley Scott to go back to making AWESOME movies like Alien and Blade Runner. And everyone knows that if Alan Rickman isn't playing the Sheriff of Nottingham and being a perverted, sexy bastard, there's no point in making another Robin Hood movie, anyway.

* I love Matt Damon, Jason Bourne (when played by Matt Damon - I hated the books), Paul Greengrass (who got SHAFTED for United 93, which I had to watch multiple times for my senior thesis, and is probably responsible for most of my emotional problems, but was still a beautiful and important film), and I love bad-ass super-smart spies, so I am happy about number four in the Bourne series.

* How badass is this poster?

AND there's more pictures, and a trailer, FINALLY, and I will hear NO negativity about the latest Tarantino opus, because he is wonderful and lovely and his giant chin holds the secrets of the universe. (OK, there can be negativity concerning Mike Myers, who I think has maybe lost his mind a little bit, and needs a nap).

* This made me laugh, and also made me wish someone would take on the heady task of putting Arkham Asylum in a movie. I'm looking at you, Chris Nolan. But it wouldn't be the same without Heath Ledger as the Joker. That would have been SICK.

* The Walking Dead is my new favoritest comic series (besides all the others that are my favoritest comic series, and not including comics that are my favorites, period), and so you need to be super-excited about the next installment, in which the goodness continues and, dare I say it, gets even BETTER.

* Comics We All Need To Buy This Week, Except Those Of Us Who Are Broke, But Will Accept Donations In The Name Of Comics.

* You need to support the CBLDF (the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund), because they help protect the First Amendment rights of comic writers, artists, readers, and sellers, which are often undermined in disgusting ways. Also because Mark Millar, Neil Gaiman, Brian Bendis, Peter David, Jeff Smith, Lee Bermejo, J. Scott Campbell, David Finch, Geoff Johns, Matt Wagner, Brad Meltzer, JG Jones, and Dave Gibbons (among others) say so, and they will CUT YOU if you cross them.

* Bobby Jindal is on my list of Politicians I Love Because They Are Not Of This World. And now I can welcome him to the list of Politicians Who Are 'Writing' Books, And By 'Writing,' I Mean Signing A Hefty Paycheck. I will admit that I sort of grudgingly respect that he's not even pretending that he's going to write this thing. He'll be too busy yelling at a volcano or something.

* Or... he could be busy running for Senate. That's a good/frightening reason not to write the book with your name on it. If he does run, I kind of hope he does that weird impression he did on national teevee after the President addressed the nation. You know, the one where Jindal, like, made babies cry by being so stupid?

I was going to link to Jindal's actual speech, but it's really depressing, and David Brooks' response to Jindal is much more entertaining.

* I couldn't decide whether to put this under 'Comics' or 'Movies,' because Hellboy is both (and I love both), so it gets its very own category. Also, because these are so cool that I want to download them and make them, then hide them in shame because twenty-three year old women should not be doing such things, or at least not doing such things and the refusing to share them with their younger brothers, because HE'LL RUIN THEM! But come on, they're PAPER GUNS. The Greatest Paper Guns, Ever. Click here for more pictures and INSTRUCTIONS. No, I haven't made them yet. I probably won't. Probably.

[Found at LikeCool]

* Oh, no. The Sims 2 stole countless hours of my life away from me, and when the first disc broke I bought ANOTHER, and played THAT until it broke. So The Sims 3 is, for me, like the apocalypse. This is my Armageddon. Luckily, I don't think it comes out for Mac for a while. My brain is safe! ...For now.

* It's about goddamn time a celebrity became aware of the zombie menace, and started alerting the general public.

* Foodstuffs will be in short supply during the onslaught of the undead, and I'm sure Woody Harrelson would approve of growing hundreds of potatoes in your backyard, for consumption and to make booze. Or you could sell them, if the zombie apocalypse doesn't happen for a while.

* It's free and LEGAL.

* Rorschach is the best. I knew it. Fuck everyone, I win!

* Speaking of winning, this is SUPER WINNING. WATCHMEN WILL RETURN TO THEATERS IN A GLORIOUS BLAZE OF EVEN MORE SUPERHERO MAYHEM! AND MORE RORSCHACH. AND MORE.... sad death scenes I was secretly glad weren't in the movie because they are awful enough in the comic. OK. STILL. I WILL SEE IT AGAIN AND AGAIN. You thought this obsession was over?! FOOLS. And now I'm better.

* Now, if you are lying about something, would you EVER agree to wear a wristband that determines the truthiness of your statements? More importantly, does the wristband know the difference between things that you believe to be true, and things that are actually true? Like, if you really, genuinely believe that dinosaurs still live in Florida, or that your neighbor is putting acid in your water, or that your dog tells you to vote Republican, what will the wristband say? These are serious, disturbing questions that I'm not going to answer, because I am cruel.

[Found at LikeCool]
Although, now that I think about it, that could be fun. Giving it to someone who likes Twilight, have them smugly say, 'It's a good book,' and watch their little hearts shatter as the wristband PROVES THEM WRONG. Of course, if it DIDN'T, then I'd be the one all shattered, so maybe not.

Hm. I should post more often, shouldn't I? Or should I not? I don't know. OK, stuff to be done.
- LV


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