Monday, April 27, 2009

Alan Moore Does Not Sleep. He Waits.

Watchmen Quotes: Minutemen Quotes, General Quotes
Note: This covers the Minutemen, and all the other random crap that didn't fit into any other category. Tomorrow is Rorschach, Part II (which may require as many as 4 parts, because I HAVE TOO MUCH). So. Yes, enjoy. PS Mothman was the bestest of the Minutemen. PPSS Nite Owl's short shorts are amazing.

* Janey Slater: Some things, once they're busted, they can't ever be fixed.

* Big Figure: You're alone in the valley of the shadow, Rorschach, where your past has a long reach, and between you and it there's one crummy lock. Think about it.

* Dr. Malcolm Long: I looked at the Rorschach blot. I tried to pretend it looked like a spreading tree, shadows pooled beneath it, but it didn’t. It looked more like a dead cat I once found, the fat, glistening grubs writhing blindly, squirming over each other, frantically tunneling away from the light. But even that is avoiding the real horror. The horror is this: In the end, it is simply a picture of empty meaningless blackness. We are alone. There is nothing else.

* Detective Steve Fine: Hello? Yeah, Detective Fine speaking. A tip? Sure. What's your name...? No name, huh? Okay, that's acceptable. So what do you have? Raw what? Did you just say "shark"? Raw shark? Why should I want to know where to find... raw shark. Okay. Yeah, I know who we're talking about. Now where...? Okay. Got that. When will he be there? Is he...? Yeah. Understood. We're on our way. 'Bye.

* I never said, "The superman exists, and he's American." What I said was,"God exists, and he's American."

* No, I don't… Well, let me say this, for me, it was never a sex thing. It was a money thing. And I think for some people it was a fame thing, and for a tiny few, God bless 'em, I think it was a goodness thing. I mean, I'm not saying it wasn't a sex thing for some people, but, no, no, I wouldn't say that's what motivated the majority…

I actually couldn't find any movie quotes that weren't already in the comic, and better. Anyway, IMAGES. Some are Minutemen, some are just Watchmen, and ALL are WONDERFUL:

WHY was this not meant to be?! WHHHYYYY?! *Cries for Hollis and his Short Shorts*

I know that I already HAD Veidt day, but this is so funny and he is so damn CROSS and MIFFED in this picture that I do not care.

This video may have made me cry. Or throw up. Or start a new religion. I admit to NOTHING.

This may be the funniest site ever devoted to Watchmen. And it's got NOTHING - no fancy karate gimmicks. It just has HILARIOUSOSITY. Yeah, I invented a new word JUST for this site. I went there.

This MORE than makes up for the Suck of my Silk Spectre post. I deserve cookies. And full points. And Russell Brand. Now.

More later.
- LV


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