Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Alan Moore Eats Black Holes. They Taste Like Chicken.

Note: How is it that AFTER I post the Ozymandias entry, I find TONS of hilarious Ozy shit? I know, I fail. BUT NOT REALLY. Here's a BONUS Ozymandias/Adrian Veidt post, even though he RUINS EVERYTHING and CHRISTMAS IS CANCELLED BECAUSE HE KILLED SANTA.

Note 2: I made NONE of these. I am talentless. If you want credit, Email me, and credit and accolades will be given.

Ozymandias/Adrian Veidt Images

I AM DONE. MY WORK IS FINISHED. NO MORE OZYMANDIAS, OK?! STOP SENDING ME STUFF. This twee little man is depressing me. I wash my hands of all his sordid affairs. We are focusing on NITE OWL II now, OK? DANIEL. NOT VEIDT. OK?!

Later today will be Nite Owl II. I am pretending this post never happened. You all SICKEN me with your decadent liberal purple-cat owning LOVE. LOVE IS FOR POOR PEOPLE.
- LV

PS I am definitely, at some point, going to analyze the different ways we all love our respective Watchmen. Rorschach fangirls want to feed him sugar cubes and get beat up, while Ozy fangirls seem to want him to be perverted with his cat. So we're ALL crazy. In the best way possible.


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