Thursday, April 16, 2009

Bullets Dodge Alan Moore.

I am so. Freaking. Tired. To explain: The magazine I work for is going out, and I am in charge of the mailing list, which is something like 200,000 people. I have to go through all of them, and edit them, and add the new ones. This takes a very long time. I worked 11 1/2 hours yesterday, and 8 1/2 today, STRAIGHT, WITH NO BREAKS BESIDES EMERGENCY BATHROOM RUNS. And I am still not done. I had to bring files home yesterday, and again tonight. And I have to go in again tomorrow to finish.

I'm not complaining. Really, I love my job, and I'm so grateful to have one, and my bosses are fantastic and nice, and it's usually AWESOME. But copying and pasting hundreds of thousands of lines of addresses is KILLING MY WILL TO LIVE. I like zombies, but this is ridiculous. Anyway, just wanted to explain the lack of post this morning, and why the following will be short and crappy and incoherent. Consider yourself warned.

* Cracked shows us shit that looks PhotoShopped, but totally isn't:

[Found at Cracked]

* Not only does this encourage condom use, it succeeds as a birth control in that anyone who looks at never wants to have sex again, for fear of tiny evil dictators swimming around their insides:

[Found at AdFreak]

* Because, apparently, this blog is devoted to strange ties, here's one that has a USB AND allows you to spy on people, like the sick freak you are:

[Found at CrunchGear]
Also, it's just a really ugly goddamn tie.

You know what? Screw it. I am too tired to give the funny the attention it deserves. I fail. Null points for LV.
I'll post again later, maybe, or tomorrow definitely. Right now I HATE COMPUTERS.
- LV


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