Monday, April 20, 2009

Alan Moore's First Job Was As A Paperboy. There Were No Survivors.

Watchmen Quotes: Ozymandias Quotes

Note: Why do I blame this character for what happens at the end of the comic that I CAN'T EVEN TALK ABOUT, instead of Osterman? As I told my friend who probably didn't really care: "I blame the man who pulls the trigger, not the gun itself." I sounded profound.

But I do start to feel bad for Veidt, especially in the context of Tales Of The Black Freighter, which HE SHOULD HAVE READ BEFORE GOING ALL- OK. Here are some Adrian Veidt quotes, for those of you who love him:

* An intractable problem can only be resolved by stepping beyond conventional solutions.

* Do it? Dan, I'm not a Republic serial villain. Do you seriously think I'd explain my master-stroke if there remained the slightest chance of you affecting its outcome? I did it thirty-five minutes ago. One of the BEST pwnage moments in history.

* No, I don't mind being the smartest man in the world. I just wish it wasn't this one.

* We can do so much more. We can save this world... with the right leadership.

* Well, it was unprecedented. I wanted... needed to match his accomplishments, and so I resolved to apply antiquity's teaching to our world, today. And so began my path to conquest. Conquest not of men, but of the evils that beset them.

* What, in life, does not deserve celebrating?

* Dan. A world united in a peace... there had to be sacrifices.

* I've saved the Earth from hell.

* I've made myself feel every death... see every innocent face I've murdered to save humanity.

* Dan? Grow up.

There aren't many Veidt quotes, are there? So, because he is rather fabulous in a MURDERING way, here are some funny Ozymandias images I have found in my wanderings, for you people. I made none of these. I have no artistic talent WHATSOEVER. If you want credit, let me know and it shall be given:


[Made by Okypete_Harpy]

The following are all from SomethingAwful.

Well, I feel decadent and pampered and soft now. Too much Ozymandias for my taste. But I hope you Ozy fans enjoyed this.

Tomorrow: Nite Owl II Quotes, images, and more goodness!
- LV


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