Sunday, April 26, 2009

Guns Don't Kill People, Alan Moore Kills People. Sometimes With Guns.

Yes, I know I didn't post Minutemen/Silk Spectre goodness yesterday. That is because I was at LSAT class all goddamn day taking a diagnostic test, and when I was finished I went out and had fun. Sue me. I'll make up for it today with lots of posting, OK? And Rorschach day II is pushed to tomorrow, because weekends suck for my blog hits anyway, and I want him to receive all the attention he deserves.


[Found at ICanHasCheezburger]

[Found at FunPic]

* The First 100 Days article by The Onion has been consistently funny since Day 1. >I shall miss it when it's done. One of my favorites: DAY 91: Rahm Emanuel takes a deep breath, counts to 10, and reminds himself that it's not the envelope's fault.

American Psycho
* I could not even freaking IMAGINE crap like this. This guy is scary. As my friend Esse once brilliantly put it: 'White homeless guy will kill you. White guy with a briefcase will rape you, kill you, and wear your skin as a HAT.'

* If you are not reading Freakangels, you are basically a bad person. What, you too busy rereading Twilight? Go read it. It's a free online webcomic by Warren Ellis. If that isn't enough to make your loins burst with joy, I don't know what is.

* Ghost Rider comics have to be great for about twenty years before they have made up for the movie, and Nicolas Cage's sad little toupee, and the ACTING, dear god, the acting, the plot.... It hurts. Anyway, it's a start.

* This is almost too easy, you know?

[Found at Amazon]
I mean, this is a lipgloss that is vampire related. Really. What else do I need to add to this? OK, the flavor is Vampire Ice. So now they are cold and sparkly. They dazzle you with ice. Blue ice. I don't know. LIP GLOSS? So you can kiss the vampire, and then go home and wonder what's the point of your existence when your undead boyfriend can't be bothered to shower?

* I accept the fact that I am the only person alive who hated The Lovely Bones, and thought it was STUPID (but my reasoning gives away a major plot point, and I don't need people yelling at me about that). So no, I am not remotely excited about the upcoming movie. And Mark Walhberg's hair looks ridiculous. And Peter Jackson should be making, I don't know, The Hobbit or letting Guillermo del Toro make Hellboy III, or something goddamn productive. This is inexcusable.

* These ads are so good that it almost excuses the existence of the movies they're based on.

[Found at JustWhatever]
There are more images in the link. They are all glorious. Whoever did these ads should be given their own damn franchise.


* I think it says an awful lot about my psyche that NONE of these products seemed that ridiculous. I'd rather have The Blaster Car-Mounted Flamethrower and NOT need it, then need it and be without. Also, I need that bed-gun thing. For personal reasons.

Museums Are Awesome
* WHY is this not a real museum you can go to?

[Found at io9]
I want to guide field trips of young children. "Here is the creature you dream of on long, lonely nights. It is hungry and real, and coming for you, and will kill your mommy and daddy and puppy. It will suck the marrow from your bones and belch of the fragments of your dreams. And our next image is of the Fairy of Death.' Imagine the screaming.

* It's hard to get worked up over the idea of a Robot Uprising when there's a chance the robots will look like this:

[Found at io9]
These are German Penguin-Bots, and they are ADORABLE, and if our robotic overlords look like extras from March of the Penguins, the human race has no freaking chance. I for one will not be able to shoot a gun at something that looks all round and waddly. I have limits.

* I need this in my life, because I lose everything on a daily basis, and live in panic and chaos, and these are so frigging clever and OBVIOUS it is actually painful that I did not invent them first:

[Found at LikeCool]

* I have read several of these, and I worked for the company that published a couple. And I agree. They are totally fucking bent. Children's books used to be, like The Runaway Bunny. Now it's all, Let's Fear Those Who Are Different & Kill The Strangers! But I LIKED Love You Forever, even if it is creepy in retrospect.

Tattoo of Win

[Found at LolTatz]
I would not be surprised if my dad came home with such a tattoo. I am not kidding.

* Sometimes the world is awesome. The Flaming Lips are going to be the official song of Oklahoma, and a lot of the conservative brats are hysterical over this, but the Governor was all, 'Screw you they rock out loud, and our state finally has a chance to not look like a bunch of hick losers, and god damn it we are DOING THIS,' and he DID, and The Flaming Lips will be endorses by the state and sometimes real life is cool, the end.

Girly Shit
* My mother dislikes these boots. I love these boots more than words can express, and I am very sad I am not wearing them right now, despite the hot weather and the fact that I'm still in my pajamas and have nowhere to WEAR those sexy boots, but sometimes you just NEED a pair of shoes that make life worth living, OK?

[Found at NubbyTwiglet]
I'm going to end up like stalking this girl for fashion tips. WHERE DO YOU FIND SUCH WONDERS?! *lusts over boots*

* This is too much:

[Found at LikeCool]
This is glow in the dark air-filled furniture. If it was one or the other, I'd be OK, and it wouldn't be here. But both is a whole new degree of madness. Can you imagine bringing a date home, and they see your furniture?
'Cool couch.'
'It glows in the dark.'
'Sweet. Why don't we test it-'
'It's also filled with AIR. It's airy AND glows in the dark!'
'Did I mention I'm married? And dead?'

* Yes. This is exactly what we need, as the economy collapses and people are eating hot dog with spaghetti in it and nobody has any money and credit cards are becoming the Enemy, what we really are searching for is an airline that caters exclusively to pets. I am so relieved someone addressed this urgent and dire need. Who are the people who are using this airline? My logic is, either you are rich enough to have your own plane and bring your dog on it, or you aren't, and you HIRE A GODDAMN NEIGHBOR TO WATCH YOUR STUPID DOG. Or put them in a kennel. This is so wrong.
"You see, on Pet Airways, your pets aren't packages, they're 'pawsengers.' "

I think my lungbags just collapsed.
- LV

PS I need some new comic recommendations. There are too many good comics to read. I am overwhelmed. Suggestions would be appreciated.

PPSS Yes, at some point today I WILL post Silk Spectre/Minutemen. Honest.


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