Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Alan Moore's Wikipedia Entry Has Been Completely Fabricated By The Catholic Church.

You know what's not fun? Coding for hours and hours, especially when you're not a coder. Your eyes glaze over, you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes back, and it's MORE CODES. And I get to do that again, today, for five hours, huzzah!

Also, my phone broke. As in, part of it MELTED. And it smells. And nothing happens when I press the buttons. Stupid phone, sabotaging my life. Soon I'll have to post one of those unbelievably irritating Facebook bulletins, 'I lost my cell phone give me your numbers!' And to punish me for my dislike of such posts, Facebook will crash and not let me post anything. It's OK, though, because I have an alternate plan: homing pigeons. Kick-ASS homing pigeons. I win.

* Gabriel Garcia Marquez is not dead, and still writing. Just in case you were wondering. Good to know, yes?

* This is a great blog about the new Nightmare on Elm Street which I am a little insane about re: Jackie Earle Haley as Freddy Kreuger. Luckily, the blog is flattering enough to placate even a rabid girl-geek like myself.

* Here's an interview with Robert Downey, Jr. about Iron Man 2 and The Soloist, which will mark the first time I've paid to see Jamie Foxx in a movie since Collateral, so good on Mr. Downey, Jr. Then again, I've watched real unquantifiable shit because Robert Downey, Jr. was in it (I am looking at you, The Singing Detective. HONESTLY, what type of musical doesn't let RDJ sing? And Mel Gibson, why do you fail at everything?) so really Jamie Foxx is irrelevant. Per usual. I am, however, quite looking forward to this movie. It has a lot of potential.

* You've heard by now that Terminator: Salvation is rated PG-13, and some people find this awful and a sure sign that the franchise will fail. This guy doesn't think so, and I agree. I also don't really care, because remember the third entry in the series? Rated R, and sucked so bad it hurt. So, no, I do not think the goddamn rating has anything to do with the quality of the movie (although I'm STILL trying to figure out how Harry Potter & The Half-Blood Prince got a PG rating. If you've read the book, you'll understand why. If you haven't, um..... the little magical children have happy magical adventures, and nothing bad ever happens, ever). Every time I see a trailer, I get excited. I especially love that line, 'This is not the world my mother warned me about.' I will be seeing this. And so will you. Don't sully yourself with lies.

* Considering the fact that Blockbuster led to the demise of the local video store where I worked, fell in love, and saw a ridiculous number of movies, it's surprising that I feel a bit sad now that the bastard is going under as well. But the whole thing makes me think of Be Kind Rewind (excellent movie, GO RENT IT) which was wonderful and summed up the feeling of a failing store perfectly, and at this point I feel sad when anything goes under.

* Holy crap, it's snow. Here. In New Jersey. In April. The third horseman of the apocalypse has showed up, and he's wearing a ski jacket.

* This is a bookshelf that can be turned into a coffin. Well.... OK. This could be useful in the coming zombie apocalypse, although remember to destroy the brain before you bury it. Otherwise... yeah, I do not understand this at all.
Found at LikeCool.

* Bobby Jindal clearly does not want to have a career in politics. Also, he's angering the volcano gods, and when you screw with them, SHIT GOES DOWN.

* If, like me, you find the Twittering of insane old politicians to be endlessly entertaining, I humbly suggest this website for all your Tweets of Crazy.

* This chart sums up my opinion on gay marriage:

* As if this blog doesn't risk Alan Moore's ire enough (what with the Rorschach tattoos, the endless fangirl blatherings, the blog titles, etc.) here is another example of why Watchmen fans are the coolest, sexiest, most fucking rad people ever, the end. Also wins the FEAR AND LOATHING Award for Best Use Of A Ken Doll:
Made by thefangirlblog of LiveJournal, who let me post this because really everyone needs to see this thing. She also did a Joker doll, which is too scary to post on my blog. She's kind of amazing.

* In our continuing Harry Potter coverage, the kid who plays Vincent Crabb (AKA, big dumb Slythering bully number 1) was arrested for possession of marijuana. Namely, he was growing it. Insert your own pot jokes, I'm sick of them (helpful hint: EVERYONE laughs at 'magic plant' references).

* Best movie reviews ever. NOT SAFE FOR WORK. NSFW at all. Not even a little bit. Do not click this link if you are around people. I'm not going to jail for YOU or ANYBODY (if you get the quote, I'll mention you on this blog).

* Where The Wild Things Are looks effing incredible. It's like it crawled out of my imagination onto the big screen. I'm very excited, even though this attitude may lead to crushing disappointment. But I have faith in Spike Jonze. I BELIEVE IN YOU, MAN. I want the poster. It is a work of art.

* This is basically a TrekGasm review of the new Star Trek movie, but I want to see it and I am happy it is getting good reviews, so I am posting this good review. I'm also happy it hasn't been leaked, because most of America would be fired/in jail. Which wouldn't help the economy (OR WOULD IT?!).

* Sigh. Octo-Mom is getting a reality/dating show. I am tired of this woman and her crazy. Her kids have no chance of being normal. She doesn't even anger me anymore. I just want her to go away from the teevee and leave me alone. I don't even know why I'm posting this.

* THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN I STOP WATCHING HOUSE. GOD. I MISS THE EPISODE AND THEN STUFF HAPPENS AND IT'S LIKE THE BEST EPISODE EVER, APPARENTLY, BUT NOW KAL PENN IS ALL GOVERNMENTAL AND NOT ON THE SHOW ANYMORE. To be honest, I think that's really cool, and anyone who has worked with Hugh Laurie AND Barack Obama needs to give me money, because that's just not fair. Now I need to find a stream of the episode, so I can be back in the loop Teevee-wise. I wish Mr. Penn the best, and hope he's prepared to fake-laugh his way through a shitload of pot jokes, at least for the first few months.

* Spike Jonze is making an Everyone Poops movie? OK. There are jokes to be made, here, but.... to be honest I'm a little scared. Although it could run as a double-feature with Where The Wild Things Are.

Time for work. And to get a new phone. Because the carrier pigeons are more interested in clawing out the tender eyes of my neighbors than delivering messages to my friends. Which, while hilarious, doesn't help me much.
- LV

PS As always, because I am uncreative, the title of this post was shamelessly spoofed from this wonderful site.


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